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[Warning] Prescription Drug Kills More Than Cocaine and Heroin

January 10th, 2014 at 3:50 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Friday to you, your pets and other family members. I hope you and your family are all well, for the flu season is upon us. Ponder today's article before your start popping pills, or give any to your pets.. ...

Is there such thing as a natural sedative?

January 8th, 2014 at 7:08 am EDT

Hello Friend, In searching for natural options to avoid some of the conventional medication side effects, you need some sort of guide. My suggestion..The Manual of Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats ...

10 Signs To Tell If Your Pet Is In Pain

January 6th, 2014 at 4:18 am EDT

Hello Friend, Can you tell if your pet is in pain? This can be difficult, as many of the signs are very subtle. It is thought that our dogs and cats have the tendency to 'hide' their symptoms of pain as an instinct for survival. In the wild often th ...

Personal disclosure...

January 3rd, 2014 at 4:26 am EDT

Hello Friend, This being a New Year brings about many a people talking about WHAT they will be changing. One of the more common ones is about in losing some of it, and keeping it off. The same thing can be applied to our pets- up to 50% o ...

Top 10 New Years Pet Resolutions

December 31st, 2013 at 5:44 am EDT

Hello Friend, As 2014 approaches, New Years Resolutions abound…But what about your pets? Fear not I say. Here are my top 10 New Years resolutions that you can make for your dogs and cats... ...

[VS] New Diabetes Causes and Treatments

December 30th, 2013 at 4:56 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Post Christmas and Happy Early New Year to you and your family. Mine is currently battling illness (the dreaded flu..), although I have been fortunate to stay disease free. Yes I do supplement my diet with a number of potential ...

[2 Remedies That Work] Dog Pain, Dog Diarrhea

December 26th, 2013 at 8:39 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Boxing Day to you and your family! 2 Holiday Specials you should be aware of- Both are 30% OFF My 500 plus page manual of home remedies: My Home Study Course ( 2 are remaining) ...

[Vaccine risks] Should you still get them?

December 23rd, 2013 at 4:03 am EDT

See subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} [Vaccine risks] Should you still get them? TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Order Ult ...

[Choking Pet] Do You Know What To Do?

December 20th, 2013 at 10:33 am EDT

Hello Friend, First 2 Holiday Specials you should be aware of. Both are being offered for 30% OFF My 500 plus page manual of home remedies: My Home Study Course ( 2 are remaining) http://www.veterin ...

[New research] Can you treat Flu naturally?

December 18th, 2013 at 4:28 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Hi to you and your family of people and pets this Wednesday in later December. I am currently off visiting my Mom in an extended care home - she isn't communicating much, but lights up talking about her cat Gussie ( who is now ...

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