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Sarah Palin’s Kid Steps On Family Dog

January 8th, 2015 at 9:29 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Thursday to you, your animals, and other members of your home. One of the most common questions that I get from pet owners is that they WANT to start treating their pet's at home with natural remedies, but they DON'T know WHAT ...

The 'secret' kitchen remedy [u want to use this]

January 7th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

Hello Friend, I get many a pet parent asking for help with specific health concerns about their dog or cat. I wish I could see you, but the 'powers that be' prevent that. Your best way to get some feedback is with my Inner Circle- in it I cover in de ...

Pet medicines: How safe are they?

January 5th, 2015 at 8:45 am EDT

Hello Friend, A BIG Happy New Year to you, and your family- the furry and not so furry ones.. I am about to shovel a TONNE of snow, ( then potentially ski in it) don't feel so sad for me :-) If you have a dog on regular medications, then you shou ...

Never again, Friend

January 1st, 2015 at 7:03 pm EDT

Hello Friend, This special is over in 7 hours, and won't ever be seen again. You can currently get a COMPLETE copy of my new book, Veterinary Secrets: Natural Health For Dogs and Cats for the extremely LOW price of 99 cents. The new book is 457 pages ...

Never Again, Ends TONIGHT [Vet Secrets for $1]

January 1st, 2015 at 10:55 am EDT

Hello Friend, Happy New Years to you and your family of pets and people. Thanks to those of you who have purchased Veterinary Secrets. I would LOVE to see it #1 in Dog Care and Cat Care on the last day of this crazy special Kindle promotion, BUT it e ...

For Canadians and Americans! [Vet Secrets for less than $1]

December 31st, 2014 at 11:42 am EDT

Hello Friend, Thanks to those of you who have purchased Veterinary Secrets. It's has rocked up to #1 again! I am running a special Kindle promotion for the next 2 days. You can currently get a COMPLETE copy of my new book, Veterinary Secrets: Natur ...

Subscriber Thank You [Vet Secrets for less than $1]

December 30th, 2014 at 10:05 am EDT

Hello Friend, A BIG Thanks for being a subscriber! I am running a special Kindle promotion for the next 3 days. You can currently get a COMPLETE copy of my new book, Veterinary Secrets: Natural Health For Dogs and Cats for the extremely LOW price of ...

Hey Friend, Get my New Book for .99

December 29th, 2014 at 10:05 am EDT

Hello Friend, I am running a special Kindle promotion for the next 4 days. You can currently get a COMPLETE copy of my new book, Veterinary Secrets: Natural Health For Dogs and Cats for the extremely LOW price of 99 cents. ( but you need to be in the ...

May the force be with you

December 23rd, 2014 at 9:36 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery nearly Christmas this Tuesday December 23. There is a study which is now gaining interest as more animals are on anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and having side effects. Specifically vomiting/diarrhea. This is helping in a bi ...

May the force be with you

December 22nd, 2014 at 9:50 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery nearly Christmas this Monday December 22... There is a study which is now gaining interest as more animals are on anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and having side effects. Specifically vomiting/diarrhea. This is helping in a b ...

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