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Starts in 10 hrs [Special Cat Health Webinar]

May 26th, 2015 at 10:21 am EDT

Hello Friend, A Cheery Tuesday to you and your critters! My old, fat cat Gussie is currently MEOWING LOUDLY as I type this...she has completely figured out HOW to get my attention immediately.. You see we have a people staying downstairs, and they do ...

The Best Cat Food [Free Report]

May 25th, 2015 at 11:19 am EDT

Hello Friend, A Cheery Monday to you and your family! Mine involved a never ending soccer tourney, and a oooh so bad haircut of my dog Jessie.. This Is WHY I became a veterinarian, and NOT a dog groomer :-) LIVE Web Clinic Tuesday: How to Keep You ...

Hey [firstname], Free Natural Cat Health and Nutrition Webinar

May 22nd, 2015 at 9:40 am EDT

Hello Friend, I am having a LIVE Web Clinic next Tuesday: How to Keep Your Cat Healthy with Food and Natural At-Home Remedies Join me LIVE in this 90 Minute FREE Online Seminar Date: Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 Time: 5:00pm Pacific (7:00pm Central, 8:0 ...

[winners are] Natural Flea Control

May 21st, 2015 at 9:42 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Thursday to you and your family of pets and people. First THANKS to those of you who commented on my last podcast! The winners ( who will get a digital copy of my book) are.. Shelly Jeff Sacks Gale Karann Luckcuck Elsa Torres T ...

[Yikes] Ticks to be a menace this year

May 20th, 2015 at 11:02 am EDT

Hello Friend, Spring and ALL those lovely parasites are now among us.. So WHAT to do? Common sense my dear pet lover..don't over react, and reach for the toxic spray. In fact virtually ALL the common dog and cat health conditions can be treated holis ...

[natural and free] Stop Arthritis, Seizures, Anxiety

May 19th, 2015 at 10:07 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Tuesday to you and your family :-) I spent part of the weekend camping with this guy...this is a picture of when he was 4 months ( and liked to bite..)...he's over that and now likes to bark, so that could be my next video .... ...

Get my Free DVD [no strings :-) ]

May 15th, 2015 at 10:12 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! First there is nothing like more puppies and kittens to get you in a good frame of mind :-) This is now being offered for only the cost of shipping Healing Your Pets At Home - 90 Minute DVD - A $97.00 VALUE ...

Gone in 12 hours [Webinar replay and special]

May 14th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

Hello Friend, You have 12 hours to take advantage of this: Ultimate Canine Health Formula for 65% OFF PLUS this BONUS Get my latest book, Veterinary Secrets: Natural Health for Dogs and Cats (e-Book, $29.95 Value, as available on, FREE ...

NEW Webinar Replay [Special ends tonight at 7]

May 13th, 2015 at 11:57 am EDT

Hello Friend, I hope you enjoyed last nights webinar! We covered a BUNCH of vital dog health and nutrition topics, and I revealed some brand new remedies. Thanks for the MANY kind comments :-) If you missed it, the REPLAY of the Webinar is here: htt ...

Quadruple Amputee Dog Receives Life-Changing Prosthetics

May 13th, 2015 at 9:31 am EDT

Hello Friend, A BIG Hi to you and your family of pets and people this Wednesday My 2 older dogs, Lewis and Jessie, are now both displaying signs of arthritis, but I have yet to have them on ANY conventional anti-inflammatory. I use a combination of t ...

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