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5 Reasons why Ginger is an Essential Herb for your Dog!

July 18th, 2022 at 10:37 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, Welcome to Monday! Arthritis is so very common as we all age..dogs, cats and people (even I can attest to that!) In my opinion, it's often a good option to try and naturally treat this before bring out.... 'the BIG Guns' ( t ...

Do you know SIGNS of Heat Stroke in Dogs?

July 15th, 2022 at 9:39 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, Welcome to a HOT day in Friday. I hope that you and all of your furry/not so furry family is doing well...especially with the heat... Stay cool Keep your pets, and yourself safe. Heat stroke is a serious risk than can happen ...

Nylon Allergies in Dogs: Use This!🐈

July 13th, 2022 at 10:13 am EDT

View online Hello Friend, Welcome to Wednesday. We have partnered with a wonderful leather company makingawesome leather leashes and collars. These are the best quality leashes/collars that I have ever seen, and they come with a lifetime guara ...

[Unbelievable] 75 Million Pounds Condemned animals in Pet Food

July 11th, 2022 at 9:24 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Monday to you! Say you are really into the idea of using Natural Home Remedies for your dog or cat, but don't know WHERE to start? Here is a Great way ( in my opinion :-) ) The Veterinary Secrets Revealed Getting S ...

Natural Heartworm Prevention/Treatment?

July 8th, 2022 at 7:43 am EDT

Hello Friend, I hope that you and all of your friends/family, including those important non-human members are doing well this early summer. Mosquitos are here..., and you are wondering about heartworm. For your dogs and cats... I am of the opinion ...

STOP using Neosporin for Wound Healing

July 6th, 2022 at 8:30 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, Welcome to Wednesday! Before I get all gloom and doom, may I suggest something that is safe and effective... Omega 3 Fatty Acids are one of the few supplements documented to improve brain function... for dogs,cats and people ...

5 things you should know about Lyme Disease in Dogs

July 4th, 2022 at 7:51 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Monday to you! It seems there are many diseases that your pets can get...BUT there are things that you can do to decrease the likelihood of this happening An easier way is be supplementing with a Good quality COMPLE ...

Holiday fireworks means Scared Dog?.. do this

July 1st, 2022 at 8:03 am EDT

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Friday to you, and a Happy Canada Day to those of you in Canada! Say you are really into the idea of using Natural Home Remedies for your dog or cat, but don't know WHERE to start? Here is a Great way ( in my opinio ...

(Extended) CBD Supp S*ale ENDS tonight *really*

June 28th, 2022 at 5:16 am EDT

Hello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Tuesday I now have a NEWish Cannabidiol (CBD) Supplement for Dogs and Cats, it's on S*ale for 25% OFF, the sale was to end yesterday, but there were some *technical goblins*... I hate those ...

(Extended) CBD Webinar Copy/slides

June 28th, 2022 at 5:10 am EDT

Hello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Tuesday...the special/webinar download NOW ends tonight at midnight... It was to end yesterday, but some the technical goblins caused the page to stop working... so the special continues, b ...

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