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Animal Rescue Adoption Problems: Is It Easier To Adopt A Child?

January 25th, 2013 at 4:31 am EDT

Hi Friend,Have you got the feeling that it may be easier to adopt a child than adopt a pet from an animal shelter? Well you’re not alone, as thousands of pet owners are running in to problems with shelters. You can read about what I think of this ...

Seaweed Remedy better than steroids for itching [Clinical Study]

January 24th, 2013 at 3:40 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hello Friend,Welcome to Thursday.Allergies, and chronic itching.Super frustrating for both you and ...

New Topical Plaque Prevention..Is it Safe?

January 23rd, 2013 at 4:06 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT A cheery hello to you and your pets this Wednesday.Dental Care. Are there other options than havin ...

Bimbo the tame deer forced to go [Pic and Video]

January 17th, 2013 at 3:07 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hello and a Cheery Thursday to you, Friend. Bimbo the domesticated deer must leave the B.C. home w ...

Unhappy Wife..Yowling Cat and Solutions for Excessive night time vocalization

January 16th, 2013 at 4:22 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend,Good morning and welcome to Wednesday.My cat has a few problems. Kidney failureSenility ...

Overpriced veterinary medications- Is this fair?

January 15th, 2013 at 3:39 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend,Good morning and welcome to Tuesday.Today's article focuses on a investigative news stor ...

Recalled: Antibiotics in Dog Treats

January 14th, 2013 at 4:19 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend,Good morning and welcome to Monday.Knowing whether or not your pet's food is nutritious ...

Answer to Your Pet's Bowel Health and Overweightedness

January 10th, 2013 at 4:34 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hello and a Cheery Thursday to you, Friend.My dog and cat supplements contain active, quality probi ...

The best Pet Food to Feed ( plus FUNNY Far Side Cartoon)

January 9th, 2013 at 4:22 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, First you've go to see the humor in this Far Side cartoon: I get asked MANY question ...

Antifreeze Update for Pets

January 8th, 2013 at 3:37 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend,Good morning and welcome to Tuesday.Here are 2 free webinars that give you a TONNE of im ...

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