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[Keep pets away] 3 toxic holiday plants

December 18th, 2014 at 10:08 am EDT

Hello Friend, The holidays is a time of frequent veterinary emergency calls..toxic palnts, chocolate, tinsel, electricity, xylitol.. The list is big, and you should be prepared. Use this Beware these toxic holiday ...

So much better than a lump of coal

December 17th, 2014 at 11:55 am EDT

See subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} Friend You should see this TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Order Ultimate Feline Dr. ...

Avoid These 7 Deadly Pet Holiday Hazards

December 16th, 2014 at 12:48 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Hello to you this holiday season- I hope you and your family are doing well. In the spirit of the season, I've made a Holiday Hazard video...OK not necessarily cheery, but you need to see the sketchy tree, and my dog dressed up with ado ...

Flu Vaccine Warning

December 15th, 2014 at 11:45 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Monday morning to you and all of your family. I hope your December is going well, and your getting ready for Christmas. I went for a short trip to visit my mom who is in an extended care home. She isn't really responsive any mo ...

[Warning] 'Overdose deaths' from Cough Syrup

December 11th, 2014 at 11:32 am EDT

Hi Friend,My New Veterinary Secrets Revealed Getting Started Course includes 8 books and videos.It's here: these Holistic Options Work?---------------------- ...

They may hold answers to cancer

December 10th, 2014 at 8:58 am EDT

Hello Friend, This article covers an exciting new study on canine cancer. There are many holistic options to potentially prevent, and treat cancer in our pets. Is there one*magic bullet* No But the conventional options of surgery, and chemotherapy ar ...

Why Do Dogs Lick?

December 9th, 2014 at 10:14 am EDT

Hi Friend, Why does your dog lick? This question has been asked by millions of dog parents... In the majority of cases it is a completely normal behavior that originates from thousands of years of canine genetics- the reasons are interesting though. ...

what is EFT? [How to do it]

December 8th, 2014 at 9:30 am EDT

Hello Friend, A happy Monday morning to you, and your herd. My newest Inner Circle video is now up- it's on EFT for animals, and in the video you'll see just how simple it is to do, and HOW well my dog Jessie responds. You can get your copy here: ht ...

Have ever been bitten by a puppy, Friend?

December 5th, 2014 at 4:32 pm EDT

Hello Friend, A happy late Friday to you! I get many a question about diets. What kibble is best, home recipes, what about raw. I have an *extensive* section in my Inner Circle. You can see it here: If you have *ever* ...

Awesome Pet Lover Christmas Gift

December 4th, 2014 at 1:22 pm EDT

Hello Friend, I hope things are well with you and your furry and not so furry family! If you are searching for that purrfect gift for your pet loving friends, may I suggest this.. I am getting a TONNE of positive ...

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