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I’m reluctant to share this with you

May 13th, 2017 at 10:11 am EDT

Hello Friend, It’s been a while since I’ve spoken about Essential Oils, and frankly because I’ve been a little reluctant to respond to the overwhelming amount of questions I receive almost daily about Essential Oils. Later this month we are fi ...

[Encore Presentation] Cat Webinar

May 10th, 2017 at 9:24 am EDT

Hello Friend, Welcome to Wednesday! In my part of the world we just had an election, and based on how close it was we don't no for sure who will govern until all the recounts in 2 weeks. In the U.S. I see big political drama with the FBI Director be ...

FW: Cat Webinar Tomorrow

May 8th, 2017 at 9:19 am EDT

Hello Friend, I am having a LIVE Web Clinic tomorrow evening! The 'Real Truth' About Cat Food: What To Feed, What To Avoid, and How To Naturally Treat Disease With Food and At Home Remedies Join me LIVE in this 90 Minute FREE Online Seminar Date: T ...

Is Your Cat's Food Safe?

May 5th, 2017 at 9:35 am EDT

Hello Friend, Wondering if your cat's food is safe? How can you read a pet food label and know? Well in this video I answer those exact questions.. ...

Cat Food and Health Questions Answered Live!

May 3rd, 2017 at 8:55 am EDT

Hello Friend, I am having a LIVE Web Clinic next Tuesday: The 'Real Truth' About Cat Food: What To Feed, What To Avoid, and How To Naturally Treat Disease With Food and At Home Remedies Join me LIVE in this 90 Minute FREE Online Seminar Date: Tuesd ...

New Alternative Treatment for Allergy

May 1st, 2017 at 10:16 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Monday to you and your family! Finally Spring is showing up in my part of the world.. Snow melting, flowers, bees..and as the pollen shows up often the dreaded..... Allergies. IF you have an allergic dog, they should be on a co ...

FDA issues warning about thyroid hormones in pet food and treats

April 28th, 2017 at 9:38 am EDT

Hello Friend, The easiest way to help prevent disease in your dog or cat is with a daily.,quality, immune supportive supplement. My supplements, Ultimate Canine and Ultimate Feline do exactly that. You can get a 37% OFF Trial Bottle and NO Autoship ...

Medical cures for cataracts

April 26th, 2017 at 7:58 am EDT

Hello Friend, A cheery Wednesday to you and your family.. In talking to pet parents such as yourself, I get asked many a pet question. Sheila asked if there was anything she could give for her older poodle with arthritis and cataracts.. The options a ...

Vaccine AEs (Adverse Events) are underreported

April 24th, 2017 at 9:45 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, Greetings to you and your pets this Monday.Vaccines are a complex, and heated topic, so ...

Truth About Parvo

April 21st, 2017 at 9:06 am EDT

Hello Friend, Welcome to Friday. It's a pretty crazy time in the world right now...a whole lot of uncertainty and many not so nice things being said.. It's seems like a good time for all of us to spend some time doing a little self reflection on wha ...

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