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Your webinar copy and slides, Friend
June 11th, 2021 at 12:11 pm ESTHello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Friday. First Thanks SO much for signing up, and hopefully attending our CBD for Dogs and Cats Webinar. ( the link to download the webinar and slides is at the end) We had OVER 1000 pet par ...
Dog parents only (sorry cat people :-( )
June 10th, 2021 at 11:20 am ESTHello Friend, There is an awesome FREE Online Dog Health Summit starting tomorrow...and Dr J ( as in me) is speaking :-) Pet Summits have brought together the most well-known names in the pet expert community to share their best tips, strategies, and ...
Miss me? Live with CBD tomorrow 😀
June 9th, 2021 at 12:00 pm ESTHello Friend, Missing me? Wanting to get a burning dog or cat health question answered.. Well tomorrow is your chance.. :-) Well your questions and MANY others that you have about CBD, THC, medical marijuana, will be answered in my Encore webinar TOM ...
Your Free Ticket ( Dog Health Summit and Dr J is speaking)
June 8th, 2021 at 11:59 am ESTHello Friend, If you’re interested in raising a healthy and happy dog, then keep reading because this may be the most important email you read this year. Our friends at Pet Summits have just announced their latest project, and it’s exciting! They ...
[Better than Netflix!] CBD for Pets Webinar Tomorrow
June 7th, 2021 at 9:54 am ESTHello Friend, Tomorrow's CBD Webinar is rapidly filling up, and we can only have 500 clients on the call- we have over 800 registered, but usually only 50% of those who register will attend, so you can still get on... Should you be giving CBD (canna ...
CBD Side Effects?
June 4th, 2021 at 10:24 am ESTHello Friend, Should you be giving CBD (cannabidiol) to your dog or cat? Can it help your pets, and is it *really* safe? Well this and MANY other questions that you have about CBD, THC, medical marijuana, will be answered in my upcoming webinar next ...
[Dog Parents Only] 'Secret' Book for Ultimate Dog Health
June 3rd, 2021 at 10:19 am ESTHello Friend, Sadly, more than 80% of dogs will experience chronic disease in their lifetime! From cancer, to dental disease, arthritis, allergies and more. Most owners don’t know about the early warning signs that could actually be an indication o ...