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[NEVER Happens!] Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Sale

January 29th, 2021 at 10:11 am EST

Hello Friend, I Hope you and your family of pets and people are all doing well. This special ends tonight at MIDNIGHT. My New reformulated version of my dog supplement, Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Health Formula It is NOW on a BIG Sale...and there i ...

Your webinar copy and slides, Friend

January 29th, 2021 at 9:46 am EST

Hello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Friday! Thanks SO MUCH for signing up to my *NEW* Dog Health and Nutrition Webinar, and to those of you who stayed ALL the way to the end yesterday. Even more Thankful that we avoided the * ...

Hopefully this time it works (webinar tomorrow)

January 27th, 2021 at 2:59 pm EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Wednesday. So yesterday the webinar didn't work out so well Crap happened ( as in technology glitches..) So this is how I responded.. ...

Hopefully this time it works (webinar tomorrow)

January 27th, 2021 at 12:30 pm EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Wednesday. So yesterday we were planning this BIG fancy new Webinar... But crap happened ( as in technology glitches..) So this is how I responded.. ...

About our meeting tomorrow

January 25th, 2021 at 10:39 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Monday! Tomorrow is the Big day.. or at least the day of my NEW webinar, and with most of us not going anywhere.. consider this a great chance to learn something NEW that could help you dog :-) HOW TO STOP COMMON DOG DISEA ...

( LINK correction!) What Dog Food is *really* Safe?

January 22nd, 2021 at 1:42 pm EST

Hello Friend, Just what you want...another email :-) The last email had links that DIDN'T work :-( So here it is.. with working links... Ahhhh... The Dog Food Question... Nutrition is KEY- to your health, and your dog's health. In that vein, I am hav ...

What Dog Food is *really* Safe?

January 22nd, 2021 at 1:33 pm EST

Hello A cheery Friday to you! Ahhhh... The Dog Food Question... Nutrition is KEY- to your health, and your dog's health. In that vein, I am having a NEW webinar, that I encourage you to sign up to: HOW TO STOP COMMON DOG DISEASES AT HOME, WITH DOG F ...

What Dog Food is *really* Safe?

January 22nd, 2021 at 1:15 pm EST

Hello A cheery Friday to you! Ahhhh... The Dog Food Question... Nutrition is KEY- to your health, and your dog's health. In that vein, I am having a NEW webinar, that I encourage you to sign up to: HOW TO STOP COMMON DOG DISEASES AT HOME, WITH DOG F ...

What Dog Food is *really* Safe?

January 22nd, 2021 at 12:22 pm EST

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! Ahhhh... The Dog Food Question... Nutrition is KEY- to your health, and your dog's health. In that vein, I am having a NEW webinar, that I encourage you to sign up to: HOW TO STOP  COMMON DOG DISEAS ...

What Dog Food is *really* Safe?

January 22nd, 2021 at 10:52 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! Ahhhh... The Dog Food Question... Nutrition is KEY- to your health, and your dog's health. In that vein, I am having a NEW webinar, that I encourage you to sign up to: HOW TO STOP  COMMON DOG DISEAS ...

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