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Antibody Titre Testing for Pets? ( New Podcast!)

May 7th, 2020 at 8:55 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Thursday. There seems to be a light at the end of the 'pandemic tunnel' with the case numbers flattening in North America. Some restrictions are about to loosen in the area I live..but the whole thing is still pretty unsettli ...

The end is tonight (for CBD :-) )

May 4th, 2020 at 8:34 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Monday. First Thanks again for signing up to my webinar on CBD for Dogs and Cats. The webinar download link, in case you missed it, is at the end of this email. My Cannabidiol (CBD) Supplement for Dogs and Cats is getting som ...

The end is tonight (for CBD :-) )

May 4th, 2020 at 8:17 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Monday. My Cannabidiol (CBD) Supplement for Dogs and Cats is getting some great reviews, and we are having an 'awesome' (35% OFF, FREE SHIPPING) special, but it ends tonight.. Here ar ...

Your webinar copy and slides, Friend

May 1st, 2020 at 11:37 am EST

Hello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Friday. First Thanks SO much for signing up, and hopefully attending our CBD for Dogs and Cats Webinar. ( the link to download the webinar and slides is at the end) We had OVER 1000 pet par ...

my CBD Supplement (BIG Special!)

May 1st, 2020 at 10:25 am EST

Hello Friend, Hope you and your critters are doing well this Friday. I now have a NEWish Cannabidiol (CBD) Supplement for Dogs and Cats, which is getting some great reviews! It is NOW on a BIG Sale...and there is a Special Offer for you to try it.. 3 ...

DIY Dog Anal Glands and More ( New Podcast!)

April 30th, 2020 at 9:54 am EST

Hello Friend, I Hope you/your pets are doing well this Thursday..hoping that you are not sick, especially from COVID-19 The whole not knowing when will this end, when will we have solid treatments/vaccines is definitely exhausting.. Extended time at ...

[Encore!] What you need to know about CBD

April 29th, 2020 at 8:00 am EST

Hello Friend, First THANKS so much for signing up to my * ever* so popular Webinar on CBD, and Medical Marijuana for Dogs and Cats Last Night Over 1000 pet parents signing up! Your slides, and webinar copy will be coming soon. In cased you missed it ...

[Encore!] What you *need* to know about CBD

April 29th, 2020 at 7:54 am EST

Hello Friend, We had my NEW CBD for Dogs and Cats Webinar last night..and it was MOST Popular, with over 1000 pet parents signing up! I covered a TONNE of information, including New Remedies for Pet arthritis, Dog allergies, Seizures in dogs and cats ...

[Nearly Filled] CBD for Pets Webinar

April 27th, 2020 at 9:22 am EST

Hello Friend, Should you be giving CBD (cannabidiol) to your dog or cat? Can it help your pets, and is it *really* safe? Well this and MANY other questions that you have about CBD, THC, medical marijuana, will be answered in my upcoming webinar Tomor ...

CBD for Autoimmune Disease in dogs/cats

April 23rd, 2020 at 9:26 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Thursday. Many of the common diseases in our dogs and cats have an autoimmune basis- the immune system responds inappropriately and actually "attacks" itself.. Skin disease such as allergy, lupus..polyarthritis..Hemolytic ane ...

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