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About UC 'Advanced'
March 9th, 2018 at 10:12 am ESTHello Friend, I am currently so pleased to announce the release of my NEW supplement for dogs, Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Health Formula..and with it I am having a special. The Special OFFER ends Monday at Midnight 60% OFF my NEW supplement, Ultimate C ...
UC 'Advanced' Special
March 9th, 2018 at 9:03 am ESTHello Friend, Thanks for signing up, and attending my recent Dog Health and Nutrition Webinar, along with learning about my NEW Supplement, Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Health Formula. We will be following up with the recording and slides :-) The Special ...
[Encore Presentation] Your Dog's Health Webinar
March 7th, 2018 at 9:42 am ESTHello Friend, Thanks so much for signing up to my NEW webinar on.. The BIG Problems With Commercial Dog Food and How to Best Help Your Dog: What To Feed, Natural Remedies, Dr Jones' New Supplement for Dogs In cased you missed it, fear not, for I am ...
[Encore Presentation] NEW Dog Health Webinar!
March 7th, 2018 at 9:10 am ESTHello Friend, You missed this presentation, BUT you still have a chance to get on for ENCORE live webinar I am pleased to announce the release of my NEW Dog Supplement, and you are officially invited to my upcoming Webinar The BIG Proble ...
Webinar starts in 5 hours
March 6th, 2018 at 3:13 pm ESTHello Friend, We will be starting this in 5 hours- the webinar is officially filled with over 1000 signups, BUT not all will attend, so you should still be able to get on. The BIG Problems With Commercial Dog Food and How to Best Help Your Dog: What ...
'Advanced' Webinar with 63 spots remaining
March 5th, 2018 at 11:58 am ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Monday! There are 63 spots remaining until this is filled's nice to be popular in this instance :-) The BIG Problems With Commercial Dog Food and How to Best Help Your Dog: What To Feed, Natural Remedies, Dr Jones' New ...
FW: My NEW dog supp [Webinar filling up]
March 2nd, 2018 at 10:40 am ESTHello Friend, Happy Friday! This is filling up fast :-) I am pleased to announce the release of my NEW Dog Supplement, and you are officially invited to my upcoming Webinar The BIG Problems With Commercial Dog Food and How to Best Help Your Dog: What ...