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Your dog should have more of this...
October 15th, 2018 at 9:08 am ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Monday! As you may or may not know, I have a BRAND New Supplement for dogs, Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Health Formula.. It now has 95% curcumin, which can be VERY helpful for skin disorders, joint support, to decrease inflammat ...
Paw Licking Recipe
October 12th, 2018 at 8:44 am ESTHello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! Has your dog or cat EVER had a skin infection that you would like to treat at home? OR anything else for that matter? Well my NEXT Livestream is this Friday Oct 12th at 3PM, and in it we are going to cover natur ...
[Proof] Study shows this homeopathic works
October 10th, 2018 at 10:01 am ESTHello Friend, A cheery Wednesday to you :-) If you have an arthritic dog OR cat, then at least START with a good quality 'joint support' supplement My Supplements, Ultimate Canine, Ultimate Canine Advanced, and Ultimate Feline Health Formulas are suc ...
FW: Patreon Thing Ending Soon
October 8th, 2018 at 2:10 pm ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Monday. A Happy Thanksgiving Monday to those of you in Canada! A Happy early Thanksgiving to those of you in the United States and elsewhere :-) In celebration of the launch of my Patreon Page, there is a most generous one ti ...
Your support Friend appreciated :-)
October 5th, 2018 at 10:10 am ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Friday! I just finished my TOP 67 Dog and Cat Home remedies Webinar with MANY a positive comment.. 'Dr Andrew, Thanks for putting it on and thanks for all your amazing and helpful videos on youtube! My husband and we binge wa ...
Encore: 67 Home Remedies Webinar!
October 3rd, 2018 at 9:18 am ESTHello Friend, Thanks SO much for signing up to my webinar. IF you missed it, fear not as it is happening again :-) Sign up for my NEW Webinar which is happening again is covering my most CURRENT and EFFECTIVE Natural At Home Holistic Sol ...
[Encore] 67 Home Remedies Webinar
October 3rd, 2018 at 9:07 am ESTHello Friend, This web seminar was MOST popular...LOTS of questions, a tonne of NEW holistic dog and cat natural home remedies. SO it is happening again :-) Sign up for my NEW Webinar which is happening again is covering my most CURREN ...
TOMORROW: 67 Home Remedies Webinar]
October 1st, 2018 at 9:20 am ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Monday! If you have *ever* thought about using some of my simple and effective home remedies to naturally heal your dogs and cats, then I have something for you. Sign up for my NEW Webinar which is happening is ...