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hey Friend

March 8th, 2017 at 9:18 am EST

Hello Friend, As you are reading this I can assume a few things.. 1. You have a dog/cat 2. Your animals occasional need veterinary care, or you would like to prevent them from getting sick in the first place 3. You are interested in holistic care 4. ...

Naturally Stop Your Dog from Itching

March 3rd, 2017 at 8:48 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery FRIDAY to you! Today's article covers my approach to allergies, with all of my TOP suggested remedies Allergy is multifactorial ( ie many causes), which then requires many potential things to prevent it. In my opinion, a quali ...

Separation Anxiety In Dogs [Natural Answers]

March 2nd, 2017 at 8:46 am EST

Hello Friend, If your dog has big problems being separated from you, then he may have separation anxiety. Fear not for conventional medication is NOT the only answer. Dr Jones shows you how to tell if your dog has separation anxiety, and how you ...

Vet Caught Harming Patients Returns to Work

February 27th, 2017 at 9:16 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Monday. This is a disturbing news story, but one that needs to be told. Vet Caught Harming Patients Returns to Work ...

Dr J's NEW Dog Ear Cure Recipe

February 24th, 2017 at 8:18 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Friday to you and your furry/not so furry family.. Today's article covers recurring dog ear infections. They have many causes, which then require many potential things to prevent them from coming back. In my opinion, a quality ...

Green Tea for Dog Ear Infections?

February 22nd, 2017 at 9:35 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Wednesday to you and your family. IF you have ever had a dog with an Ear Infection, then you *really* need to watch this new video.. ...

FW: 65% OFF Ultimate K9 [No Autoship]

February 20th, 2017 at 12:40 pm EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Monday to you and your family Happy Halloween! This is the special that ENDS tonight at MIDNIGHT... 65% OFF my supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula. Only $14.97 (Regular Price $40 PLUS shipping) You are NOT locked in ...

65% OFF Ultimate K9 [No Autoship]

February 17th, 2017 at 11:23 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Friday to you and your family - furry or not! For the next 3 days, my supplement is now On Sale. 65% OFF my supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula. Only $14.97 (Regular Price $40 PLUS shipping) You are NOT locked in to ...

Dog Supplement Special

February 17th, 2017 at 11:18 am EST

Hello Friend, Thanks for signing up, and attending my Dog Health and Nutrition Webinar! We will be following up with the recording and slides :-) The Special OFFER ends Monday at Midnight 65% OFF my supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula. Only ...

Encore Presentation [Stinky Dog Remedy]

February 15th, 2017 at 9:48 am EST

Hello Friend, Thanks for signing up to my webinar! In cased you missed it, I am holding an ENCORE Presentation! Last night's webinar was super well attended and OVER the top informative. Some of the comments... 'Thank You Dr Jones. That was the mos ...

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