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Get my Free DVD [no strings :-) ]

April 15th, 2016 at 9:51 am EST

Hello Friend, Happy Friday to you and your furry/not so furry family... Everyone loves Friday!This is now being offered for only the cost of shipping. Healing Your Pets At Home- 90 Minute DVD - A $97.00 VALUE On this FREE DVD, you'll learn the fun ...

Medical cures for cataracts

April 13th, 2016 at 12:22 pm EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Wednesday to you and your family.. In talking to pet parents such as yourself, I get asked many a pet question. Sheila asked if there was anything she could give for her older poodle with arthritis and cataracts.. The options a ...

New vaccine injection site decreases cancer risk

April 11th, 2016 at 9:04 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Monday! If you have yet to get this, I encourage you to have a look..a Free Copy of my DVD sent to your house: Learn Natural Remedies And Effective Techniques For Healing Your Pet At Home ...

Dismissed Natural Medicine

April 8th, 2016 at 9:42 am EST

See subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} Dismissed Natural Medicine TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Order Ultimate Feline Dr ...

[Overweight Dog?] ⇑ Bladder Infections

April 6th, 2016 at 10:36 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Hello to you and All your significant others! Today's article shows yet another reason WHY you don't want your pet to be overweight, including some of what you can do about it. Athletes are using colostrum to increase metabolis ...

My Book Winners Are...

April 5th, 2016 at 9:40 am EST

Hello Friend, Happy Tuesday...some pics to brighten your day :-)A few weeks ago I asked you this question: What are your 2 most pressing concerns about your dog or cat's health, about veterinary medicine, and veterinarians? There were over 600 respo ...

The Key to Keeping Your Cat Healthy

April 4th, 2016 at 9:57 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Monday to you. If you have a cat or 2 or 3, then you *really* need to keep them happy- not just because it's a good thing to do, but because there is a direct link to disease. Such as recurrent FLUTD ( Feline Lower Urinary Trac ...

Treating Pain [Drug Warning Signs]

April 1st, 2016 at 9:31 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! Today's article covers NSAIDS ( the common anti-inflammatory drugs), and then a list of clinical signs to watch for that warrant an immediate veterinary visit. I do advocate ALL the alternate options 1st. One ...

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