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Get my Free DVD [no strings :-) ]

September 8th, 2015 at 9:51 am EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Tuesday to you! Here are some great get you in the mood to going back to school animal pics.. :-) This is now being offered for only the cost of shipping Healing Your Pets At Home - 90 Minute DVD - A $97.00 VALUE On ...

Lion killer dentist going back to work

September 7th, 2015 at 10:01 am EST

Hello Friend, I hope your weekend has gone well..mine involved a broken vehicle..much rain..but a good time to hibernate before school gets going.. Knowing that you are interested in alternative healing, this is a great resource to have. Veterinary S ...

Vet Who Killed Cat With Arrow Finally Getting Punished

September 4th, 2015 at 10:58 am EST

Hello Friend, This is a disturbing, hard to believe story, and it appears that there are long lasting consequences for this former veterinarian.. Vet Who Killed Cat With Arrow Finally Getting Punished Source:, By Sarah V Schweig While v ...

'Wires' Found In 'Popular' Dog Food

September 3rd, 2015 at 10:43 am EST

Hello Friend, I hope you and your furry/not so furry family are doing well. Today's newsletter is about pet food/what to feed My suggestions are to also feed some homemade diets. I have an wonderful book which you can use Home Recipes for Dogs and Ca ...

[Safer] Advised Anesthetic Protocols

September 2nd, 2015 at 10:13 am EST

Hello Friend, First Thanks to so many of you who wrote in kind words following the loss of my dog Jesse. It feels strange not having him around, and I find myself thinking I see him in parts of the house..then realize Loss is hard, but the benefits ...

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