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FREEDOM of Speech
March 31st, 2014 at 10:07 am ESTHello Friend, Welcome to Monday and the early days of Spring! I have been spending a tonne of time renovating a building next to my clinic for a doggy daycare- it's finally looking good, and I now see why I chose to be a veterinarian as opposed to a ...
Supplement which Stops Anti-inflammatory Side Effects [People and Pets]
March 28th, 2014 at 8:10 am ESTHi Friend,This is a slightly older study which is now gaining interest as more animals are on anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and having side effects. Specifically vomiting/diarrhea.Colostrum appears to have a big protective effect.Ultimate Canine ...
New Topical Arthritis Treatment
March 26th, 2014 at 10:02 am ESTHello Friend, First here is a picture I love! Getting Rid of the Cooties :-) Topical Arthritis Treatment ...
[Confused?] Vet says to feed Royal Canin
March 24th, 2014 at 9:11 am ESTSee subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, A cheery Good Morning to you this Monday in's supposed to be spring, but ther ...
Why Clients are NOT going to the Vet
March 21st, 2014 at 9:03 am ESTSee subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} [Gasp!] "Why clients are skipping your exam room" TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Or ...
Friend How to Get my 8 Books and Videos for $6.97
March 20th, 2014 at 8:39 am ESTSee subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} Friend How to Get my 8 Books and Videos for $6.97 TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Or ...
Apoquel Alert: Serious Side Effects of New Dog Allergy Medication
March 19th, 2014 at 10:02 am ESTHello Friend, My son turned 14 ( hard to believe), and he had a few friends over to 'hang out'...not called a 'birthday party' :-) The cool thing is they have been friends for most of their lives. Here is a 3 year old, then 14 year old group shot.. ...
3.8 Billion Drug Company Fraud
March 17th, 2014 at 10:27 am ESTSee subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, Welcome to Monday! My son and a few friends celebrated their birthdays yesterday, but b ...
[Son Update] How To Use Herbs For Your Pets
March 14th, 2014 at 10:10 am ESTHello Friend, Thanks to all of you who sent in healing wishes for my son Liam and his potential measles. The tests came back negative, with the diagnosis coming from the pediatrician as 'post viral vasculitis' Meaning the immune system responds innap ...
Pet Not Eating?..Use this
March 12th, 2014 at 9:20 am ESTSee subscription information below. Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | {{DATE "MONTH_NAME_SHORT DAY, YEAR"}} Pet Not Eating?..Use this TheInternetPetVet Blog Order Ultimate Canine Order Ultimate Feline Dr. ...