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Does your pet need a neutraceutical?
March 5th, 2012 at 3:47 am ESTSee subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, Does your pet need a neutraceutical?I suggest YES, and here is what I advise:http://www ...
[Dr Andrew] Ban cosmetic surgery?
March 2nd, 2012 at 4:26 am ESTSee subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, A cheery Friday to you, here's hoping you have a safe and enjoyable weekend.This story ...
Lewis' Wrapped Head [First Aid 4U]
March 1st, 2012 at 3:22 am ESTSee subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, Hello and Good morning fellow animal advocates- it's a snowy March 1 here in Nelson BC ...