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If your Canadian, read up...

August 16th, 2011 at 4:16 am EDT

A cheery Tuesday Morning to you, FriendIf your Canadian read up:Ultimate Canine Health Formula, and Ultimate Feline Health Formula is NOW available in Canada- we have a warehouse in Vancouver!This means a MUCH faster shipping time, no messy customs p ...

The Sun and Johny Cash

August 15th, 2011 at 4:45 am EDT

One of my former clients has a cat, whose name is Johny Cash- Mr Cash loves the sun.Unfortunately, white cats, have very little pigment and are prone to sunburns, and skin cancer.Sunburn is common in pale and short-haired dogs, usually on the bridge ...

My wife is wrong!

August 12th, 2011 at 5:51 am EDT

You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Dr. Jones' newsletter, 'Veterinary Sec.rets'. See subscription information below. Hello Friend,-------------------------------------Pets, Allergies and ...

[Veterinary Secrets] Why not to get pets from pet stores

August 11th, 2011 at 6:28 am EDT

You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Dr. Jones' newsletter, 'Veterinary Sec.rets'. See subscription information below. Hello Friend,I have NEVER been a 'fan' of Pet Storesselling companion ...

[Veterinary Secrets] Merrick Recall-Salmonella Risk

August 10th, 2011 at 5:23 am EDT

You are receiving this e-mail as a part of your subscription to Dr. Jones' newsletter, 'Veterinary Sec.rets'. See subscription information below. Hello Friend,If you feed your dog treats, you may want to know about ...

You ONLY have 6 hours left

August 9th, 2011 at 4:37 pm EDT

Until midnight TONIGHT, Tuesday (08/09) you can get myCat Supplement, Dr Jones' Ultimate Feline HealthFormula for 67% OFF..If you want to Grab a bottle NOT on the autoship, you can do so as well, and it's 40% OFFHere's where you can grab your Formula ...


August 9th, 2011 at 4:00 am EDT

Dr Jones Ultimate Feline Health Formula sale ENDS in 16 HOURS.Thanks to all of you who sent in positive feedback about theComplimentary Report on Cat Health and Cat Supplements. You can still get a copy today.--------------------------------------Dr ...

Complimentary Cat Food Secrets Report

August 8th, 2011 at 2:58 am EDT

My Special Complimentary Report on Cat Nutrition and Diseaseslinked to Cat Food has been getting some *rave* reviews..."Hi Dr Jones,Thank you so much for your all ways up to date and healthpromoting information.The cat food report is simply outstandi ...

Trichobezoar at home remedies

August 6th, 2011 at 3:24 am EDT

Greetings and a Happy Saturday to you.Chako, who I wrote about yesterday, is feeling GREAT, running 50 miles an hour on the beach last night, and growling with abandon IF you attempted to take the soccer ball from him..ALL natural, AND nothing conven ...

[Veterinary Secrets] Chako has a swollen, painful anus

August 5th, 2011 at 4:53 am EDT

Greetings to you from Ontario..First things first:--------------------------------------Cat Supplement Sale is ON now--------------------------------------Until midnight on Tuesday (08/09) you can get myNew Supplement, Dr Jones' Ultim ate Feline Heal ...

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