What I learned from my plumber

May 5th, 2011 at 4:59 am EST

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Hello Friend,

A Good morning to you and your furry friends this Thursday..

First Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to yesterday's newsletter about the BC Sled Dog killing- I'll be replying with an update tomorrow.

The post is on my blog at


What I learned from my Plumber

In helping pet owners like you, I ALWAYS encourage you to start with the BASICS- A Complete Physical Exam..

Let's use my plumbing story:

My toilet downstairs has not been flushing.

My wife decided to dispose of some vegetable concoction down the toilet...I assumed that this caused the blockage.

But I didn't do a full exam and take a good history..

The plumber showed up and he couldn't unplug it.

He tried with his plumbing "snake", but it kept hitting something hard.

He suspected something else..So I asked my daughter, and she confessed.

" Yes I put my big green bouncy ball in there.."

Which means a BIG plumbing bill, having to take the toilet off and remove the now very expensive bouncy ball..

My point is that I assumed it was the food because that's what I last saw go down, but I was mistaken.

The same scenario applies to your pet's health problems.

You need to do a Complete Physical Exam, as outlined in my DVD.

Just because your dog or cat is itching, doesn't necessarily mean allergies.

Perhaps your dog spent time in a kennel, and now has Sarcoptic mange mite.

Your cat could just as easily have fleas.

Think about the history... what were the changes that you noticed leading up to the problem.

Do a COMPLETE physical exam- DON'T just focus on the problem area.

I fact why don't you practice the At Home Physical Exam on your pet this weekend?

It is through practice that you will become skilled.

Even after seeing your veterinarian, you can perform your own at home exam.

There are many things that can be easily missed. In fact I can't tell you how many times

I have "zoned" in on one problem, only to miss something bigger because I failed to do the cardinal rule....A COMPLETE physical exam.


P.S. Here are a couple of options for you.

My At Home Pet Health Exam is on Video with my Home Study Course. You can see it at:


For those of you not in a postition to get my course, I also have a written out version on my blog..

Heal Your Pets At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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