Vet Who Killed Cat With Arrow Finally Getting Punished

September 4th, 2015 at 10:58 am EST
Hello Friend,

This is a disturbing, hard to believe story, and it appears that there are long lasting consequences for this former veterinarian..

Vet Who Killed Cat With Arrow Finally Getting Punished

Source:, By Sarah V Schweig

While veterinarian Kristen Lindsey was swiftly dismissed from her job after shooting and killing Tiger with a bow and arrow, it was unclear whether she would suffer any further consequences.

A grand jury decided in June not to bring Lindsey to trial, and it seemed like anyone could just shoot a cat and get away with it. But on Friday, the Texas Veterinary Medical Examiners Board (TVMEB), which has the power to revoke veterinary licenses, ruled that Lindsey did indeed break their rules.

Animal advocates have been working tirelessly to ensure that Lindsey does not get off scot-free (and many felt a personal stake in the matter). Thanks to slews of petitions and worldwide news coverage, people did not forget Tiger's unfair death.

Groups like Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) followed Lindsey's case and testified before the TVMEB, which helped lead to the ruling that Lindsey did, in fact, violate the rules a veterinarian is expected to follow.

Sanctions for her cruel act have not yet been announced — it's expected these will be decided in October. We're crossing our fingers that Lindsey doesn't get to be called a doctor for animals ever again.

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S.First most veterinarians are wonderful people, and this action has been widely condemned in the veterinary community.

Second it's good to see that the Texas Veterinary Board is taking action, for they as a rule are pretty weak in enforcing much against veterinarians..clearly the huge public outcry is holding them accountable..

Meaning your voice dose matter, and it can create change.

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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