Vegan Diets for Dogs are Healthier?

June 10th, 2022 at 10:37 am EST

Hello Friend,


A cheery Friday to you..

What to feed and What NOT to feed? This is a confusing topic, but there are some things I am clear about..

Adding in additional supplements to support your dog/cat's joint health, skin health, gut health and immune system is an EASY way to ensure they are getting additional nutrients to KEEP them healthy..

You can purchase individual supplements, or you can give one which combines ingredients to do this all for you:

For dogs:

For cats:


This published survey/study has me pondering...perhaps I am wrong?

Vegan diets for dogs may be linked with better health, and could be less hazardous, than meat-based diets: Survey findings may support nutritionally complete vegan dog diets over raw or conventional meat diets


A survey study of the guardians of more than 2,500 dogs explored links between dog diet and health outcomes, suggesting that nutritionally sound vegan diets may be healthier and less hazardous than conventional or raw meat-based diets. Andrew Knight of the University of Winchester, U.K., and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on April 13, 2022.

Many factors may influence dog guardians to choose unconventional diets for their pets, including concerns regarding the environment, the treatment of animals used as food, and the health of their pets. However, research into the health effects of conventional versus unconventional dog diets has been limited.

To help clarify the potential health effects of different dog diets, Knight and colleagues analyzed survey data from guardians of 2,536 dogs fed either a conventional meat, raw meat, or vegan diet. The survey included questions about the dogs' health, including the number of veterinary visits, use of medications, and specific dog health disorders.

Statistical analysis of the survey results suggested that, overall, dogs on conventional diets were less healthy than dogs on raw meat or vegan diets. Dogs on raw meat diets appeared to be healthier than those on vegan diets.

However, the researchers noted several factors that prevent a conclusion that raw meat diets are healthier.

For one, in the study, dogs on raw meat diets were significantly younger than dogs on vegan diets, which could help explain why they appeared to be healthier.

Additionally, dogs on raw meat diets were less likely to be taken to a veterinarian; while this could be a sign of better health, prior research has indicated that guardians of dogs on raw meat diets are less likely to seek veterinary advice.

Further research is needed to confirm whether a raw meat or a vegan diet is associated with better dog health outcomes. The researchers suggest that large-scale, cross-sectional, and longitudinal studies of dogs, maintained on different diets, which utilizes data such as results of veterinary clinical examinations and veterinary medical histories, could yield results of greater reliability.

Still, prior research has linked raw meat diets to increased risk of pathogens and nutritional deficiencies. In light of both the new and prior findings, the researchers suggest that a nutritionally sound vegan diet may in fact be the healthiest and least hazardous choice for dogs.

The authors add: "We believe our study of 2,536 dogs is by far the largest study published to date, exploring health outcomes of dogs fed vegan and meat-based diets. It analyzed a range of objective data, as well as owner opinions and reported veterinary assessments of health. It revealed that the heathiest and least hazardous dietary choices for dogs, are nutritionally sound vegan diets."

 Source: PLOS. "Vegan diets for dogs may be linked with better health, and could be less hazardous, than meat-based diets: Survey findings may support nutritionally complete vegan dog diets over raw or conventional meat diets." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 April 2022.

  Pet of The Week

Just thought I would drop you a note to let you know I live with a 11year 10month 7day old Bernese Mountain dog. Here is her picture.



Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew

P.S. Before we all toss the beef, let's look at this statement..

'...overall, dogs on conventional diets were less healthy than dogs on raw meat or vegan diets. Dogs on raw meat diets appeared to be healthier than those on vegan diets. '

Dogs on RAW MEAT diets appeared to be healthier!

If you can feed your dog animal protein/raw/homemade, then my opinion is this is BEST.

But we have rising food costs, people having difficulty feeding themselves... it may be that for many people, a vegan dog food may be a legitimate option, and it may be OK- if not ideal

Our world is changing- if there is one thing I consistently say it is to be open to doing things differently, and this may now be how are dogs are fed..

Cats NEED animal protein to survive, so don't be showing me Vegan Cat Food though :-)

And for Now I am sticking with Meat for Tula...

P.P.S. If you add this, your dog/cat WILL be healthier ( no controversy here...)

Dr Jones' ULTIMATE Canine Health Formula

Dr Jones' ULTIMATE Feline Health Formula

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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