Hello Friend,
A cheery Wednesday to you!!
------------------------------------------------ What is the #1 problem in dogs and cats ? ------------------------------------------------
More than 85% of dogs and cats older than four years have some type of dental disease.

What is this?
Gum Disease, ( gingivitis), Plaque, Tartar, Abscesses, Loose and Missing Teeth
Dental disease can cause changes inside the body that may result in organ dysfunction and a shortened lifespan.
Your pets also use their teeth like we may use our hands..think about removing a bur or mat from their coat. Their teeth are vital for this.
------------------------------------------------ How can I tell? ------------------------------------------------
Basic At home dental exam.
You can do this now.
Smell your pet's breath- bad breath is a sign of dental disease.
Lift up their lips, and look at ALL of the teeth, and the gums.
Especially at the gum line, the teeth should be a light pink- when they become a darker red pink you have inflammation ( gingivitis)
The teeth should be white. Staining indicates plaque, while tartar is brown, and NOT removable.
Some teeth may be movable in advance dental disease- IF you see this get your pet in for a dental exam ASAP

----------------------------------------- What can you do? -----------------------------------------
1. Brush your pet's teeth- but learn to do it properly. Use veterinary enzymatic toothpaste, and focus on the top upper molars and premolars as they first become a problem.
2. Dental diets- I have has success feeding a Veterinary dental diet ( Hills TD)- If you have a small breed dog prone to dental disease, you could consider this.
3. Natural treats. My 2 dogs regularly get large Raw knucklebones to chew on- at the age of 9, Lewis still has GREAT teeth. Another option is windpipes, and the they do a great job cleaning teeth.
4.Supplements and more- there are specific supplements that I advise, and in my NEW Inner Circle Video, I go over the SPECIFIC ones I feel are MOST effective.
I have used and seem some very positive results with Plaque Off.
When the unique agents of ProDen Plaque Off reach the saliva they effectively prevent oral bacteria from pruducing plaque and tartar. Existing tartar become porous, loosens by itself or is easily removed through normal brushing of the teeth. Improvements are normally seen within 5-8 weeks.
PlaqueOff is a food supplement made from especially selected seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum, harvested from the Arctic seas of northern Scandinavia. A 100% all natural product, ProDen PlaqueOff is free from artificial colours and preservatives and contains no gluten or sugar.
My Dental Health Secrets Video is here:
Heal Your Pet At Home!
Best Wishes,
 Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S. Unfortunately some dogs and cats are prone to dental disease.
IF this is your pet you need to be doing something about it.
It really does make a difference in the quality of your pet's life, and ultimately how long they will live.
See ALL of the MOST EFFECTIVE Natural Remedies that I am advising for At Home Dental Care here:

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.
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