Hello Friend,
A cheery Saturday to you and your family- I am soon to be heading out to the soccer field with my 2 canine mascots...the cats aren't soccer fans :-)
If you are a cat owner, you should give my supplement, Ultimate Feline at try. It has been beneficial for thousands of cats, and virtually all like the taste.
For the next 2 days you can get a trial bottle for 70% OFF and with Free Shipping
Here are the 2 mascots in my daughter's room..
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What is Inappetance?
This can be a decrease in appetite, or it can be that your dog or cat completely stops eating. If this has persisted, then your pet may be lethargic, weak – although you should not wait this long for clinical signs to appear.
The causes are varied. They can include a sore tooth, to an abscess, to cancer. The important thing here is to get your dog or cat eating again before a 24 hour period of anorexia causes further illness. This is especially important for cats who can develop a condition called ‘Fatty Liver’ if they go for 48 hours or more without eating.
—————————————- What to do —————————————
SEE YOUR VETERINARIAN. If your pet is very lethargic, not eating or drinking, and becoming dehydrated then see your veterinarian immediately. Ideally you are treating your dog or cat for anorexia before they completely stop eating or drinking. Your veterinarian will perform additional diagnostic tests, and this may lead to force feeding your pet, or even placing in some type of feeding tube.
WARM IT UP, AND ADD FLAVOR. Dogs and sick cats often have a poorer sense of smell. I have had good luck getting them to eat by warming up the canned food, then making it a little more tasty by adding garlic powder, or beef or chicken oxo cubes.
CATNIP. Appetite stimulant. In these cases you are just trying to get your dog or cat to start eating, regardless of the underlying cause. For cats, I have had luck using a the catnip herb – I have given it as a tincture to anorexic cats and had them eating soon.
CHAMOMILE OR PEPPERMINT. There are anti-vomiting herbs which can be given as a tea – at the very least this can re-hydrate your dog or cat. You can make a herbal tea of either herb – give 1 tablespoon per 10 lbs every 4-6 hours.
ALFALFA. For general anorexia not linked to any underlying cause, look at homeopathic alfalfa – you can give one 30C tab per 20 lbs 4 times daily.
————————————— This is new- it is used in people —————————————-
Dronabinole, sold as Marinole, is the synthetic version of cannabis, the main substance found in marijuana. Donabinole, like cannabis, can increase appetite and also decreases nausea and vomiting, which makes it helpful for use in cancer patients. In one study of patients undergoing chemotherapy reported by the University of New Mexico, Marinole improved appetite by 38 percent, compared to 8 percent of patients given placebos. Unlike marijuana, Marinole is approved for use in cancer treatment by the Food and Drug Administration.
Veterinary Secrets Pet of the Week
| Dog and Cat Words of Wisdom... Be a VOICE for Animals. Don't Let Your Silence KILL.
| Heal Your Pet At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones, DVM |
P.S. Here are a few of the benefits of Ultimate Feline:
- Alleviate Recurrent Episodes of Diarrhea and/or Vomiting
- Relieve Limping or Lameness
- Help with Repeated Bladder Infections
- Increase Energy - help your Cat if Withdrawn and Sleeping Longer
- Lower Excessive Intestinal Gas and Relieve Upset Stomach
- Delay and help many of the common symptoms of an aging cat
- Improve Slow, Stiff, or Awkward Movements
- Boost an Ineffective or Weakened Immune System
- Decrease Chronic Itching and Scratching
- Help Prevent Recurring Ear Infections
- Help if your Cat has difficulty Jumping up or Walking
- May Improve Cataracts or Watery Eyes
- Improve your Cat's Coat and Skin
- Lower Arthritic Pain and Inflammation
- Reduce the Risk of Allergies
- Decrease incidence of age related diseases
- Lessen Shedding and Hair Loss
- Aid with Feline Obesity
- Lessen the occurrence of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
- Is Safe with and may help cats with Chronic Renal Failure
You can get your 70% OFF trial with Free Shipping here:
| DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.
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