Hello Friend,
------------------------------- At first he was sore -------------------------------
This is a story with a happy ending..
A dog (called Cheech) was partially paralyzed.
He was first seen on with difficulty moving- his back was very sore.
X-Rays revealed a wedged Vertebrae- suggestive of a prolapsed disc.
He had no neurological deficits- meaning all tests for his reflexes were normal.
He was sent home with an anti-inflammatory, instructions for rest and massage of the sore area.
----------------------------- Paralyzed -----------------------------
BUT..he deteriorated.
In fact he became partially paralyzed.
So when I saw him the next day, he could NOT stand.
He had delayed reflexes- he Knuckled on his right and left rear legs.
His spine was being compressed by the prolapsing disc, resulting in partial paralysis.
He could NOT urinate on his own.
---------------------------------- WHAT to do? ---------------------------------
At this point you start to think about surgery- a referral back surgery.
His owner wanted to try a few conservative things first.
1. A urinary catheter, so he could pass urine and NOT damage his bladder.
2. An injectable anti-inflammatory/pain reliever. I gave him an injection of something similar he had the previous day.
3. Acupressure.- He was an ideal case to try this out on.
I performed 4 acupressure treatments.
I made contact over the sore point ( L5-L6) the lower lumbar spine, just in front of the start of the pelvis- and 2 additional acupressure points:
GV4, and GV20- The same points that I teach in the Acupressure Video.
It's at http://www.theonlinevet.com
-------------------------------- And what happened to Cheech? --------------------------------
Up and WALKING the next day.
He urinated on his own.
Yes he is still stiff and painful, but the Knuckling was GONE.
IN fact he went home with one VERY elated owner yesterday- and I gave his owner specifics on how to perform Acupressure at home.
------------------------------------------ Did this happen because of Acupressure? ------------------------------------------
Maybe- or maybe not.
But that is the FASTEST recovery from a spinal injury that I have ever seen.
And I have seen many in 15 years.
Will I use Acupressure again?
and if you would like to see HOW to do it go here:
P.S. This is a very simple, and EASY to learn healing technique- Yet VERY powerful. To get Step by Step easy to follow instructions, go here:
Heal Your Pets At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones
DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.
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