Holy S____t! ...My brother needs help

March 13th, 2012 at 5:25 am EST

There was a HUGE windstorm in British Columbia yesterday

High winds hammered Vancouver Island and the rest of the South Coast of British Columbia on Monday morning, knocking out power to thousands and forcing the cancellation of many BC Ferries' sailings.

My brother Michael, who answers your emails, helps with downloads, and just keeps everything running well, was in the middle of this storm.

He has NO power.

He CAN'T drive anywhere with trees blocking their roads.

And look what happened to his car:

So now MORE than ever we need you to consider helping out Michael and his family by taking part in my BEST EVER Dog and Cat Healing Therapy Sale.

20 books, and videos for $97, or 2 payments of $49

You can get ALL of it for 90% OFF - a savings of $1012.00

As a BONUS for acting fast, the first 100 clients get a copy of my NEW What to do FIRST video, 'Healing Your Pet Naturally At Home' sent to your door.

But ONLY 11 are remaining.


Dr. Jones' Pet Healing Therapy Package

1.Veterinary Secrets Revealed (e-Book)
2.Pet First Aid Secrets: Complete Pet First Aid Manual (e-Book)
3.At-Home Pet Health Exam (Video Download)
4.Appraising The Situation (Video Download)
5.Basic Home Veterinary Care (Video Download)
6.Healing Your Pets With Homeopathy (Video Download)
7.Healing Your Pets With Herbs (Video Download)
8.Pet Healing With Massage (Video Download)
9.Healing Your Pets With Acupressure (Video Download)
10.CPR For Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
11.Reiki for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
12.Tellington T Touch for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
13.Chiropractic Care for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
14.Aromatherapy for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
15.Flower Remedies for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)

PLUS 5 Bonuses

16.Bonus #1: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 1 (Video)
17.Bonus #2: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 2 (Video)
18.Bonus #3: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 3 (Video)
19.Bonus #4: Pet Health Coaching Webinar (Video Download)
20.Bonus #5 (FIRST 100 ONLY): Healing Your Pet Naturally At Home

All this for 90% OFF- 1 payment of $97


Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

P.S. There is NOW a 2 pay option, 2 payments of $49
YOU can still get ALL of the bonuses, with Bonus #5 Healing Your Pet Naturally At Home DVD Video (DVD SHIPPED TO YOUR DOOR)

ONLY 11 are remaining.


P.P.S. This Special ENDS tomorrow- You need to act quick if you want to get ALL 20 of my BEST EVER books and videos for 90% OFF


P.P.P.S. This was Michael and his wife Shannon on their wedding day. Check out the Kilt!! :-)

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational
purposes only and is not intended to replace the
advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones
resigned from the College of Veterinarians of
B.C. effective December  1 2010, meaning he
cannot answer specific questions about your
pet's medical issues or make specific medical
recommendations for your pet.

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