Holistic Help for CHRONIC scratching
March 10th, 2012 at 3:03 am EST
Good morning to you and your furry friends this Saturday..
My BEST EVER Dog and Cat Healing Therapy Sale is on now- never before have I offered so many books and videos for such a LOW cost.
You can get ALL of it for 90% OFF - a savings of $1012.00
One of the MORE common pet health problems is Allergies.
Chronic scratching
Ear infections
Oily/smelly skin
Constant paw chewing
Anal licking
Hair loss
If you happen to have an allergic pet, it is very unpleasant for
BOTH you and your dog or cat.
Conventional medicine gives you few options.
Like steroids- they rapidly stop the itching, but often bring a
HOST of side effects.
Excessive drinking
Excessive urinating
Muscle wasting
Drug induced Cushings
Diabetes Mellitus
Immune Suppression
BUT there are *other* options
Here is a small section from my Dog and Cat Healing Therapy Special:
How to Incorporate Herbs in Treating Your Dog or Cat
Herbs are relatively safe and gentle medicines - most are very
forgiving with fewer side effects compared to conventions
medications. There is a synergy between the parts of the plants
components, making herbal medicine safe, and effective.
The goal of using herbs is to enable your pet’s body to
ultimately heal itself. To see how to incorporate herbal healing,
let’s look at the example of a dog with chronic allergies.
Chronic Allergies
Allergies are caused by a variety of things – the most common
are: food, atopy (environmental), and parasites. This produces
the secondary signs of chronic itching, infected skin, red
lesions, pustules, thickened black skin, ear infections, and
chronic paw licking.
Antibiotic and steroid therapies may make the symptoms disappear,
but the underlying cause will continue, and the disease may be
pushed deeper into your pet’s body to result in a much more
serious disorder over time.
All forms of chronic skin disease have two things in common:
•All are connected to diet
•All are less likely to occur in animals who have a healthy GI
tract with good waste elimination, and strong immune systems.
Tonic herbs are used to gently support your pet’s cleansing
systems – it makes it easier for your pet to heal himself.
Tonics: A Basic Formula for Chronic Skin Problems
•2 parts Burdock root, 1 part Dandelion, 1 part Red Clover, 1
part garlic powder.
•Tincture, tea, or the pressed juice of the fresh herb must be
•Flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, fish oil,
or a prepared multi-essential fatty acid supplement should be fed
along with this formula.
Dose: 1 tablespoon per forty pounds of the animal's body weight
This tonic will assist organ functions and help optimize the
absorption of needed nutrients.
Herbal Symptomatic Relief
For animals with itchy skin, use an oatmeal based shampoo. Peppermint or lavender skin rinse is another option to help relieve itching.
If Itching is associated with minor redness, a daily skin rinse of cooled chamomile, plantain, or calendula tea may bring relief. Completely soak your pet with the tea, and allow your pet to drip dry.
If scabs or sores are present, try combining calendula and comfrey with sage or thyme tea in equal proportions. When cooled and used in a rinse, this will speed up the healing process and help prevent any bacterial infection.
With bacterial skin infection, use internal doses of Echinacea tincture, and use external doses of herbs such as Echinacea and Oregon Grape, or Goldenseal, in tincture or salve format.
For severe itching, using internal doses of licorice may bring relief. Licorice can help boost production of corticosteroids in the body and provide direct anti-inflammatory help. Use licorice only for short-term inflammatory flare-ups.
P.S. This is ONLY 7 of more than 1000 At Home Remedies that you'll find in my Best EVER Healing Therapy Special. There are MANY more options than JUST the conventional drugs.
Dr. Jones' Pet Healing Therapy Package
1.Veterinary Secrets Revealed (e-Book)
2.Pet First Aid Secrets: Complete Pet First Aid Manual (e-Book)
3.At-Home Pet Health Exam (Video Download)
4.Appraising The Situation (Video Download)
5.Basic Home Veterinary Care (Video Download)
6.Healing Your Pets With Homeopathy (Video Download)
7.Healing Your Pets With Herbs (Video Download)
8.Pet Healing With Massage (Video Download)
9.Healing Your Pets With Acupressure (Video Download)
10.CPR For Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
11.Reiki for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
12.Tellington T Touch for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
13.Chiropractic Care for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
14.Aromatherapy for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
15.Flower Remedies for Dogs and Cats (Video Download)
PLUS 5 Bonuses
16.Bonus #1: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 1 (Video)
17.Bonus #2: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 2 (Video)
18.Bonus #3: Healing Your Pet Naturally Workshop Vol. 3 (Video)
19.Bonus #4: Pet Health Coaching Webinar (Video Download)
20.Bonus #5 (FIRST 100 ONLY): Healing Your Pet Naturally At Home
All this for 90% OFF- 1 payment of $97
P.P.S. As a BONUS for acting fast, the first 100 clients get a copy of my NEW What to do FIRST video, 'Healing Your Pet Naturally At Home' sent to your door.
But ONLY 34 are remaining.
Heal your pet at home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational
purposes only and is not intended to replace the
advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones
resigned from the College of Veterinarians of
B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he
cannot answer specific questions about your
pet's medical issues or make specific medical
recommendations for your pet.
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