Heartworm Meds Now Don't Work? [ Special HELD OVER]

August 20th, 2013 at 6:40 am EST
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Veterinary Secrets Newsletter with Dr. Andrew Jones DVM Pet Health Care with Veterinary Secrets

Veterinary Secrets Newsletter | Jan 22, 2025

Heartworm Meds Now Don't Work? [ Special HELD OVER]

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Heartworm drugs now don't work?

A new report from the VIN news service verifies that Heartworms have developed resistance to many of the common Heartworm preventives.

“We now have proof there is resistance to the macrocyclic lactone (ML) class,” said Dr. Byron Blagburn, an Auburn University parasitologist who did much of the research on strains of heartworm found in the Mississippi Delta, where loss of efficacy to preventive drugs was first suspected. “It’s accepted by the entire industry now,” Blagburn said.

This is a list of some of the affected drugs:

Heartgard (ivermectin),
Tri-Heart Plus (ivermectin),
Sentinel (milbemycin oxime),
Revolution (selamectin),
Advantage Multi (moxidectin),
ProHeart6 (moxidectin), and
Trifexis (milbemycin oxime).

How common is this?

We don't know, and the statistics are not published, and many of the dogs diagnosed with heartworm while on preventives were thought to have contracted it due to a drug 'break'..ie the clients 'forgot' to give the meds

Do you keep giving the medication?

According to the experts, yes. They claim that the preventives work for the majority of dogs most of the time..

What should you do?

1. Talk to your local veterinarian, and find out about the incidence of Heartworm in your area.

2. Holistic heartworm prevention options include many common sense natural health suggestions to keep your dog’s immune system healthy, along with preventing mosquito bites

3. First avoid unnecessary vaccines- keep your dog’s immune system healthy. Avoid repeated uses of steroids, or conventional antibiotics.

4. Provide excellent nutrition by feeding quality natural brands of dog food, home diets and raw food. Ensure that the diet includes certain neutraceuticals that help prime the immune response; essential fatty acids in adequate levels, probiotics, and consider the use of colostrum.

5. Practice excellent mosquito control, for this is the insect that spreads heartworm. I have had some great success with a natural mosquito repellent using cedarwood oil.

6. Conventional use of monthly heartworm preventives: If you are in a high risk area, use the conventional preventives, but for as short duration as possible- ie when the conditions really exist to transmit the disease.

7. Use the lowest effective dose of the preventives; you can also follow up the conventional meds with liver supportive products such as milk thistle and Vitamin E

8. If you live in an area with little to no risk of heartworm, consider NO use of conventional medication.

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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