Hi Friend,
Good morning and welcome to Wednesday.
Believe it or not, Christmas is only 13 days away (Yikes), and I am in a mad rush for presents etc..
We have our 12 days of Christmas special now on, and an awesome deal is getting the Healing Your Pets At Home Video sent to your door for $9.97, including shipping- you are not required to also join the membership site.
See all the fabulous specials here:
---------------------------------------------------------------- Are there any good home-made diets for cancer patients? ----------------------------------------------------------------
Dr Greg Ogilvie created a low carbohydrate, moderate fat and moderate protein diets for cancer of the lymph cells (lymphoma)
Here is a summary of what is in that diet:
Homemade Cancer Diet for Dogs (and Cats)
Lean ground beef, fat drained 454 grams (1 pound) Rice, cooked 227 grams (1 1/3 cups) Liver, beef 138 grams (1/3 pound) Vegetable oil 63 grams (4 1/2 Tbsp) Fish oil 9 grams (9 1000-mg fish oil caps) Calcium carbonate 3.3 grams (5 Tums with calcium) Salt substitute (potassium chloride) 1.9 grams (1/3 tsp) Adult multivitamin 1 tablet Taurine (for cats only) 500 mg
Cook the rice with salt substitute added to the water. Cook the ground beef and drain the fat. Cook the liver and dice or finely chop into small pieces. Pulverize the calcium carbonate and vitamin / mineral tablets. Mix the vegetable oil, fish oil (break open capsules) and supplements with the rice and then add the cooked ground beef and liver. Mix well, cover and refrigerate. Feed approximately one-quarter of this mixture each day to a 10 pound dog or cat. Palatability will be increased if the daily portion is heated to approximately body temperature (caution: when using microwave, avoid ‘hot spots,’ which can burn the mouth).
Heal Your Pet At Home!
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S. Much of this can seem overwhelming, but my Healing Your Pets At Home DVD is a great place to start.
Here's some of what you'll learn:
Background and discussion of the extensive Benefits of Home Pet Health Care - why YOU should start right away
Healing the Natural Way: how this can be better for your dog or cat Basics of how to Care for your Sick Pet At Home How and where to start at-home Healing, first steps you need to take The At-Home Pet Health Exam - full how-to demonstration: Where to perform How to start What areas you should focus on, and what to look for Extensive discussion and demonstration of the most important at-home healing Modalities
(Note: This does NOT come with an Inner Circle membership - just the DVD shipped.)
Only $9.97 (shipping included):
DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.
PRIVACY POLICY: We will never rent, sell, loan, provide, barter, exchange or in any way make available your personal information to others. You can unsubscribe or change your email address at any time using the links at the bottom of this email.
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