Fear that a duck is watching...

February 11th, 2013 at 4:53 am EST
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Dr. Jones DVM Newsletter

Hi Friend,

A cheery Hello to you and your pets this Monday.

Get this for Free...

Dr Jones' Introduction to Healing Your Pets At Home- 90 Minute DVD –

On this FREE DVD, you'll learn the fundamentals of holistic dog and cat home health care.

In the video, I demonstrate and discuss the most important aspects of at-home pet healing.

The Video is a great way to learn how to start treating your pets at home with alternative healing modalities and methods.

All you need to do is pay for the shipping :-)


Emotions and Disease

So we know that they are serious contributors to our OWN health and illness..

Is it any surprise then that they are intertwined with our pets health?

It's just something NOT really talked about, and I sure didn't learn about it at veterinary school.

Emotions  weaken the body and allow illness to happen.

Stress suppresses the immune system and delays wound healing.

The bond that you feel between your pet also will affect them.

If you are feeling down and negative, this can spill over to your pet. 

I have seen many cases where stress leads to disease.

An example is a client of mine with a Lhasa Apso who had a severe thunderstorm phobia.
She had 10 different diseases in the span of 3 years.
It was not until we treated the thunderstorm phobia with a combination of natural anti-anxiety medications and behavioral training that she finally stopped becoming ill so often.

Then there are the households filled with 'tension'...yelling people, parents not getting along..

This affects us, and OF COURSE it is also affecting our dogs and cats. It's just something that we can't 'test'

Here is part of an article from medicine.net:

According to Dr. Sternberg, if you're chronically stressed, the part of the brain that controls the stress response is going to be constantly pumping out a lot of stress hormones.

The immune cells are being bathed in molecules which are essentially telling them to stop fighting. And so in situations of chronic stress your immune cells are less able to respond to an invader like a bacteria or a virus.

This theory holds up in studies looking at high-levels of shorter term stress or chronic stress: in caregivers like those taking care of relatives with Alzheimer's, medical students undergoing exam stress, Army Rangers undergoing extremely grueling physical stress, and couples with marital stress.

People in these situations, Dr. Sternberg says, show a prolonged healing time, a decreased ability of their immune systems to respond to vaccination, and an increased susceptibility to viral infections like the common cold.

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

P.S. If you are chronically stressed, your likely to be chronically sick...Obviously beyond my scope of expertise, BUT if you pet is chronically sick, then you may need to examine your own stress levels..

P.P.S. I can definitely HELP you heal you pet with Natural Remedies..
Here is just SOME of what is in my Free video:

Healing the Natural Way: how this can be better for your dog or cat

Basics of how to Care for your Sick Pet At Home

How and where to start at-home Healing, first steps you need to take

The At-Home Pet Health Exam - full how-to demonstration:

Extensive discussion and demonstration of the most important at-home healing Modalities, including:

Scientific Studies backing effectiveness
MOST IMPORTANT Nutraceuticals to give
How and when to use

Herbal Healing
Background and scientific studies
Safety precautions - important points to keep in mind
Best forms of Herbs to use
How to use and apply herbal remedies
Using Herbs for allergies and other diseases

Theory and background
How to properly handle and give homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies for injuries/shock, digestive issues, and more

Background and explanation
Scientific studies proving effectiveness
Basic application, proper technique
Charts of main Acupressure points for dogs and cats
Demonstration of 5 specific Acupressure points, for seizures, joint pain and arthritis, general health and wellness, and hip dysplasia

Pet Massage
Benefits of Massage, with scientific studies
Specific Pet Massage techniques - how to apply them and what health issues to use them for
Demonstration of therapeutic pet massage for back arthritis

Get your Free copy here:



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DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

PRIVACY POLICY: We will never rent, sell, loan, provide, barter, exchange or in any way make available your personal information to others. You can unsubscribe or change your email address at any time using the links at the bottom of this email.

Copyright 2012 Four Paws Online Ltd.
Tel: 1-800-396-1534
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Dr. Jones' Ultimate Canine - 50% OFF Trial Dr. Jones' Ultimate Feline - 50% OFF Trial
FREE DVD: Healing Your Pets At Home (90 Minute DVD Video Shipped to Your Door) Veterinary Secrets Revealed Second Edition
Pet First Aid: Complete Canine and Feline First Aid Manual Veterinary Secrets Revealed Complete Home Study Course
Dr. Jones' Ultimate Canine - Economy Size (SAVE 30%) Dr. Jones' Ultimate Feline - 3 Jars (25% SAVINGS)

Copyright © 2012 Four Paws Online Ltd. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

PRIVACY POLICY: We will never rent, sell, loan, provide, barter, exchange or in any way make available your personal information to others. You can unsubscribe or change your email address at anytime using the links at the bottom of this email.