Dog Theft or Charitable Rescue?
December 5th, 2011 at 4:17 am ESTA cheery Monday to you,
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Dog Theft or Charitable Rescue?
Recently 2 women who operate a charitable pet-rescue group have been accused of stealing a dog from a family near Vancouver.
The 2 are directors of 'A Better Life Dog Rescue' and it is claimed they posed as animal welfare officers on Nov 21, 2011, then stole the families bulldog called Samson.
The two accused are Janet Olson and Louise Reid; they claim in the media that they responded to abuse ignored by the SPCA and RCMP, and that a person called to warn that Samson might be freezing.
They are wondering if they were 'set up' by the RCMP.
Details about Samson's condition have not been made available, nor any reports about his care.
I'll keep you updated as the story progresses..
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew Jones, DVM
P.S. So what really happened?
We may never know.
But I suspect that there is some truth to both sides, and our very LAX animal welfare laws are part of the problem.
Our pets are still seen as property.
An uncaring pet owner has to be very neglectful before any authority will intervene....
And I suspect that the 'Better Life Dog Rescue' directors got tired of waiting for someone to do anything..
So they took action.
Not necessary 'legal'
BUT who said EVERY law is right?
DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational
purposes only and is not intended to replace the
advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones
resigned from the College of Veterinarians of
B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he
cannot answer specific questions about your
pet's medical issues or make specific medical
recommendations for your pet.
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