Dog Coughing From Tracheal Collapse: Effective Natural Remedies
SIGNS Most dogs with tracheal collapse have a history of chronic coughing, especially after exercise or excitement. This is typically in small breeds, such as Poodles, Yorkies and Pomeranians.
CAUSES The trachea is the windpipe that connects the nose and throat to the lungs. It is made up of rigid circular cartilages. In tracheal collapse the cartilage gets weak, and the trachea collapses in on itself. Panting makes the collapse worse, which then leads to more respiratory distress.The collapse causes increased inflammation thus promoting yet more coughing which creates yet more inflammation – the inflammatory cycle.
SEE YOUR VETERINARIAN. If your pet has breathing difficulties, have your veterinarian do a thorough exam, and check for this disease. A breathing emergency requires immediate intervention with sedation, a breathing tube inserted into the airway, and medication to decrease the swelling. Surgery for this condition is an option, but most dogs can be managed without surgery.
COLLAR OFF-Get the Collar Off. Any irritated airway will benefit from having less pressure put on it. Remove the collar and use a harness for restraint. Avoid putting any pressure on your dog’s throat, especially in chronic coughing such as tracheal collapse. Many dogs respond better to completely removing the collar, and just using a dog harness.
SWEET COUGH HELP-Natural Cough Syrup. Lemon and honey can soothe any sore throat. Mix 2 tbsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1/2 cup of water. Give it to your dog twice daily, 1 tbsp for an average sized (50 lb) dog, 1 tsp for a cat . Homeopathic cough syrups may also be helpful. I have used Hyland’s Cough Syrup, dosing it at 1/4 of regular adult dose per 10 lbs of body weight.
JENNY CRAIG.Any additional weight puts incredible strain on the larynx. If your pet is overweight, get him on a diet. A safe weight loss target is 15% of the body weight in a 6 month period. If you are serious about having your pet lose pounds you will see a dramatic improvement. Feed a high-quality, calorie-reduced, or elevated-fiber diet, and stop giving all table scraps and treats.
T-TOUCH. Massage can calm your pet. Tracing circles on their tail, mouth and ears each day has a surprisingly calming effect. We have often used a form of this to calm nervous animals in the exam room – the ear tips are especially sensitive.
ACUPRESSURE: For anxiety relief.
YING TANG.At base of the nose, between eyes.
GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN. An important one for anxiety. It starts at the outer corner of the eye, flows to the outside of the ear, down the neck. GB13. On the outside tip of the ear. This area is also used in T-Touch for anxiety. GV24. Point immediately above the eyes.
A variety of herbs are used at different times for tracheal collapse The ones I have seen to be most effective include the following.
Licorice Root is an effective cough suppressant, but must not be used for more than 5 days. It should not be used long-term or if there is underlying liver, kidney or heart disease. The tincture dose is 1 drop/lb of body weight twice daily.
Dandelion is a wonderful overlooked herb that can be very beneficial for fluid and coughing. The leaves act as a diuretic, helping to remove the excess fluid; dandelion is a very safe diuretic herb. Give 2 drops per lb of body weight twice daily.
CURCUMIN and BOSWELLIA 95% curcumin at 100mg/10lbs daily in combination with Boswellia at 50mg/10lbs daily has research showing this combination to be very beneficial for inflammation and as effective as some common NSAIDs
BREATHING CRISIS If your pet goes into respiratory distress, stay as calm as possible, keep him calm, and COOL him down. COOL DOWN. Run cold water over the back of your pet's head. Place cold packs wrapped in towels between the back legs, on the belly and in the armpits. Wet towels can be used instead. You can use a garden hose to run the water over the back of his head. ALCOHOL SOLUTION. Rubbing alcohol will also speed up heat loss; it can be applied to the belly and groin, cooling as it evaporates. Liberally spread it on the skin; the most important thing is reducing t