Can dandelions kill cancer?

April 16th, 2013 at 7:34 am EDT
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Can dandelions kill cancer?

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Hi Friend,

Hard to believe what happened at the Boston Marathon yesterday.

I am a runner myself, and that has always been one of my lifetime goals- to at least qualify and run one Boston Marathon in my life.

My condolences to everyone involved; To those who have lost their lives, to the hundreds of injured runners and spectators, and to all of their families.

I hope that those behind this bombing are quickly caught, and they get appropriate justice.

Right always prevails over might.

Can dandelions kill cancer?

By Erika Tucker    Global News

TORONTO – Dandelion root tea, championed by an elderly leukemia patient, has sparked exciting cancer research at the University of Windsor.

Windsor Regional Hospital oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm admitted there wasn’t much she could for her chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) patient after rounds of chemotherapy.

The “little old lady” replied she’d “take care of it herself” with some dandelion root tea, and spread the word to another patient in the waiting room.

To Dr. Hamm’s surprise, the patients’ conditions improved, and one patient is still in remission 3 years after a steady diet of dandelion tea.

These results inspired Dr. Hamm to contact Dr. Siyaram Pandey, professor of biochemistry at the University of Windsor.

“I was very pessimistic,” says Dr. Pandey. “Two people doesn’t mean anything scientifically, but… I was surprised to find that simple aqueous extract of this root had pretty good activity in inducing cell suicide in cancer cells.”

Cell suicide, called apoptosis, is a process taking place in our body all the time. If cells are not needed or have damaged DNA, they effectively commit suicide.

“Cancer cells are the ones who evade this process… become resistant to cell death,” explains Dr. Pandey. His research looks to see if dandelion root extract can ‘remind’ the cancer cells to commit suicide, without killing off the healthy cells.

Dandelion root

However, Dr. Pandey’s research suggested the amount of extract obtained from boiling the tea was not sufficient, and so his team started increasing the efficiency of extraction with actual dandelion root obtained from farmers.

“We have increased the potency of the extract,” he explains. “We are excited about it because it is a very simple natural extract, so it’s like you buying the vegetable and cooking it, basically, it is as simple as that, because we are not interfering with any chemicals.”

Preliminary research thus far involved collecting leukemia blood cells from the disposable tissue of nine patients (with their consent). It’s called an ex-vivo study, and took place in a culture dish with the dandelion extract of higher potency described by Dr. Pandey.

“All nine blood samples gave a good response that cancer cells committed suicide,” said Dr. Pandey. “In 48 hours, more than 70 per cent were committing suicide. If those cultures were kept for longer, all of them will die-this is our prediction.”

Dr. Pandey donated his own cells as a “healthy” comparison, and showed there was no toxicity and very few cells dying from the healthy blood sample. He explains they have already studied dandelion extract in animals, and found no apparent toxicity and no tissue malfunction.

Human trials

These findings were so encouraging, they have now applied for clinical approval from Health Canada to begin trials in people, which may take between 6 months to a year. Dr. Pandey says the University of Windsor trial will aim to include 24 patients.

While dandelion extracts have been documented as treatments for leukemia and breast cancer in traditional Native American Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Dr. Pandey is investigating other potential areas the extract could work. So far dandelion root extract has been shown to be active against pancreatic cancer cells, colon cancer cells and melanoma (in cultures, not in patients).

“Compared to Taxol, this one is 100 times better in terms of toxicity,” says Dr. Pandey. “Taxol is terribly, terribly toxic to normal cells, it is not selective to cancer. That’s why people have very bad immunity, they lose their immunity, lose hair, and all that.”

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

P.S. Dandelion has some wonderful properties- the leaves are a fabulous diuretic, and the roots are now gaining scientific evidence as being a serious anti-cancer treatment.

And it's in your backyard.

With virtually no side effects.

P.P.S. If you have yet to get started with Natural At Home Treatments, I suggest you start small.

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DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian. Dr Andrew Jones resigned from the College of Veterinarians of B.C. effective December 1 2010, meaning he cannot answer specific questions about your pet's medical issues or make specific medical recommendations for your pet.

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