Dr Jones' NEW Natural Flea and Tick Spray Remedy that is Safe for Dogs and Cats.
Specifics about the spray ingredients
Witch Hazel is non alcoholic, therefore safe to lick and soothing to the skin- a great skin anti inflammatory
Coconut Oil is a proven Natural repellent, and very safe for our pets
The Neem oil is the most studied and effective natural insect repellent- and diluted to less than 2% so safe for our pets
Cedarwood oil is also a studied and proven repellent, and diluted to less than 1% so safe for topical application to our dogs and cats
Lavender has antihistamine qualities, and diluted to less than 1% so safe topically
Lightly mist your pets, avoid face/eyes/mouth
Use a flea ccom to spread it through
For dogs you can safely spray 3 times/week For cats safely spray once/week Recipe 1/2 cup (120ml) Non alcoholic Witch Hazel Extract 1/4 cup (60ml) Liquid Coconut Oil 3 droppers (3ml) Neem Oil 10 drops (.5ml) Cedarwood Essential Oil 10 drops (.5ml) Lavender Essential Oil
References: Field studies on the mosquito repellent action of neem oil..https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8525409/
Pleasant-Smelling Wood Oil Not So Pleasant for Biting Ticks, Other Pests..https://www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/...