Subject: Reasons to Offshore your Real Estate Administration

Reasons to Offshore your Real Estate Administration
Set Yourself Above the Competition
With hundreds and thousands of Real Estate agencies across Australia and New Zealand, how can you set yourself apart from the rest?
  • Hassle-free and responsive customer experience
  • Genuine, transparent and knowledgeable Agents and Property Managers
  • Up-to-date industry and property market intel
All these require a mountain of paperwork, hours of hard work and sleepless nights.

It’s no wonder agencies and independent agents alike have moved their admin work offshore. If you are still on the fence about offshoring, here are a few reasons that might give you the green light.

1. Operational Cost Savings
With offshoring, you can free up floor space and reap the benefits of reduced operating costs and taxes. It costs half as much to hire competent staff onshore than doing the same offshore. They will have the same set of responsibilities and tasks, comprising mostly of time-consuming and non-dollar administrative work.

2. Access to Global Talent
Globalization of the workforce is the new normal. Taping into different perspectives and different skillsets from across the globe, like the Philippines, brings diversity and unique perspectives to your business. The choice of who to hire is no longer limited locally. It’ll be much less of a hassle if you find a reliable offshoring provider that will shoulder all recruitment and training needs.

3. Flexible Staffing
Offshoring allows you to scale up or down comfortably whenever necessary. You can operate during off-seasons and holiday months at a lower cost with the help of your global team.
4. Focus on Dollar-Productive Growth Initiatives
Your offshore staff shares the workload of your employees. You can now assign more profit-generating tasks onshore to improve efficiency and further develop your internal team. Offshoring also allows you to devote more time and money to business expansion initiatives like opening more offices, hiring more agents and taping into more territories.

5. Real Estate Trained Global Team
Not all offshore office staff or independent virtual assistants are the same. They differ in years of experience and knowledge with industry tools. The advantage of working with offshore providers is you get a pre-trained global workforce ready to be embedded in your team. Of course, not all companies are the same, assisted internal training is still vital for your staff to completely adapt to your team’s needs.

6. Streamlined Operations
Offshoring forces and encourages you to streamline procedures and operations. For offshoring to work efficiently and seamlessly, you need to set step-by-step guidelines on how you want things done. There needs to be a clear flow of work between your onshore and offshore staff. You can do this on your own but some offshore providers already have standard and customisable workflows available to streamline your operations.
7. Improved Customer Satisfaction
With less time spent in the office, your Agents and Property Managers have more time to build and strengthen relationships with clients. Offshore client-facing staff for sales, leases, or repairs are also professionals at giving the best customer support. Fast, responsive, and reliable service will surely win the hearts of clients anywhere.

8. Better Work-Life Balance
They say good leaders are good delegators. They know what tasks they have to do and they know which ones they should have someone else do. We are not a jack of all trades. We can’t do everything ourselves which is why we hire someone more knowledgeable in areas we aren’t. Life is less stressful and more productive that way. As much as we do love our work, our life shouldn’t revolve around it. You work to live life not live to work. Delegating admin tasks offshore gives you more time to enjoy a healthy balance between work and relaxation with family and friends.

9. Data Protection and Confidentiality
Most organisations are concerned about data security when they consider offshoring. The following points are important to consider:

  • The communication infrastructure in the Philippines is world-class. The internet is better than in some parts of Australia.
  • Modern software security is making working offshore safer and safer. In fact, it is no different from working from home during the pandemic.
  • Most cloud-based software offers multi-layer security protection to ensure the security of your data.
  • If you do work with an offshoring provider, an office setup with CCTV cameras also adds a layer of security.
10. Strengthen Weak Areas
Offshore talents can surprise you. They can impart ideas from previous work experiences that can improve the way you do business. It’s a kill two birds with one stone advantage when you hire the best offshore staff to strengthen your team while also reducing your operational expenses.
How to Offshore your Real Estate Administration

Moving admin tasks offshore is easy with the right offshoring provider.

Universal Property Systems
offers seamless and hassle-free offshoring services to Real Estate agencies in Australia and New Zealand. Run by licensed Real Estate professionals, you can rest assured that our services won’t just be a band-aid solution to your problems but rather a long-term function for the growth and stability of your business.
If you’re ready to build your offshore team, call our Customer Relations & Growth at 02 8555 0155 for a free consultation or email Sarah at
Universal Property Systems, 1005 Old Princes Highway, Engadine, 2233, Australia
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