3 Ways to Create Your Power Vortex of Abundance this Holiday Season
1. YOUR POWERS OF PERCEPTION - Notice that how you respond to what you experience is a function of your perception -and your lens is caked with your beliefs. Remember you can choose to see a different world- how you see makes what you see change.
2. DO ENERGY WORK on yourself and be your own coach. Talk to yourself, empower yourself as you would a child. Remind yourself who you really are and what you want instead. Be a transmitter of positive vibes everywhere. Block off 20 minutes a day to heal yourself- restore your highest vibration and connect to source- the source of all of your magnificent energy - Recalibrate your receptors with the abundance of that force.
3. BE WILLING to hear the truth and seek GUIDANCE. BE WHO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE and SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY. Being willing to seek guidance means we know we have blindspots- all giants of greatness have blindspots. They just have people on their team who can help them see around corners and burst them. I do. You do. Tony Robbins does (he admits it) We ALL do.
BONUS TIP: Stay away from people who think they don't have blind-spots.
Twirl these tips on your tongue, digest them in your mind, let them percolate through your heart and seep down to your toes. Promise to keep working on yourself and let's rock in a new year. KNOWING it's all happening on purpose!
Lot's Happening! See below - I don't know about you, though I've decided to make my personal/professional growth investments in December 2016 for 2017- Taxes Taxes Taxes!!! Deductions Deductions Deductions!!! -
If you know 2017 is about catapulting your career, your business, company or personal power to the moon, now (not after the holidays) is the best time to focus on you, reach out for a conversation, let's see what you're really needing and if I or someone or something I can recommend will LEAP YOU to YOUR 2017 MOON!