Subject: Understanding Men Workshop-- what we've covered so far


Today is the last session of Understanding Men! I'm looking forward to:

  • Helping you solve problems with a man

  • Discussing what causes a man to commit

  • and... how to handle hot and cold behavior

If you have any questions-- simply hit “reply” to this email and I’ll be sure to include them in today's workshop.

Also, feel free to review the workshops so far to get a refresher on the last two sessions.

>> You can see everything here while you’re logged in

See you later today (Friday) at 2PM Pacific // 5PM Eastern // 10PM London time for our 3rd and final session.

Talk soon,


P.S. As I'm sure you've already seen, there's a lot involved in magnetizing a man and attracting the kind of relationship you want and deserve. My hope is that you'll take what you've learned in this workshop, hit the ground running and start trying out your new skills on the men in your life ASAP! 

And if you're someone who wants to go deeper with manifesting love, values personalized feedback, and wants support and ideas for how to bring in your dream relationship... I'd love for you to consider joining me inside Manifest True Love

I'll be sharing all the details during today's session, plus a special bonus for anyone who decides to sign up today! 

>> Find out more about Manifest True Love here.