Subject: Which of these 14 lessons would help you the most...

Read their descriptions at -

CYP Lesson 1: "As a successful person yourself, I trust you can
appreciate the importance of this"

CYP Lesson 2: "Answer these questions about your purpose,and

CYP Lesson 3: "How carefully are you using the power you have,
every day?"

CYP Lesson 4: "Making Sure You're Among That Fewer Than 2 of
Every 100 Top Achievers"

CYP Lesson 5: "What Kind of Role Model Are You Being?"

CYP Lesson 6: "You're Committed to Going the Distance and Not
Falling for Pushbutton Shortcuts That Don't Exist"

CYP Lesson 7: This Is "The Greatest Gift to You"!

CYP Lesson 8: "It's About the Value Proposition"

CYP Lesson 9: "How Are You Distorting and Deleting and How Much
Is That Holding You Back and Capping Your Achievement?"

CYP Lesson 10: "What Do Your Feelings Reveal About Your True
Consciousness of Wealth?"

CYP Lesson 11: "Influencing Your Mind to Stay Focused On and Find
ONLY Prosperity"

CYP Lesson 12: "Give a Man a Match and He'll Be Warm for a Few
Minutes... Light Him on Fire..."

CYP Lesson 13: "Are You Running Your Life Based on the Needs of
Others - Instead of Your Own?"

CYP Lesson 14: "Make Sure You're Using Your Money - Your Power -
Wisely, not Foolishly"

This is the right time to do these 14 lessons, to finish in time
to make 2016 by far your best year!

(Not to mention you can start Concentrating Your Power now for
the introductory price before it increases $400 tomorrow.)

See for yourself at

Dan :)