Subject: Friend, Line 22 Page 101 of Think and Grow Rich will make you bulletproof…

Happy 2018 Friend,

I'm sure you're wondering what the heck am I referring to on the subject

It’s 5:27 AM and I’m racking my brain on how I can truly impact
someone's life on the call tonight. I’m preparing for the live "Think and
Grow Rich" book study and it hit me like a ton of bricks!

We are doing a ten-week live deep-dive book study with the book most
attributed to changing the lives of countless entrepreneurs.

Time: Every Monday 8 PM EST
(*Access information is in your UE back office)

Top 7, 8 and 9 figure earners point directly to this book as one the main
reasons for their success.

Of course, it's Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. We are going
into the chapter on Imagination tonight. When I say DEEP-DIVE, I mean
REALLY DEEP. I examine every line and even word phrases.

He says on line 22-25 Page 101
"Man’s only limitation within reason lies in his development in use of
imagination. He has not yet reached the apex of development in the use of
his imagination faculty. He has merely discovered that he has an
imagination, and is commenced to use it in a very elementary way."

Can you spot it? There are two words in there that can make you

How would it change your life if you become bulletproof? How many more
sales would you make? How would your relationships thrive? Would it be
worth $60?

Drum roll... Uh yeah!

Want to be on tonight's call?

Simply go log into your UE back office and go to U Core on the left.

Also, as a paid member, you can catch up on past sessions as well as the
prior book study we just completed on "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" by
John C. Maxwell. They are ALL included.

See you tonight!

UE Support

p.s. In case this email finds you too late to make it tonight, just a
quick FYI we have our radio show every weekday at 12 Noon Eastern (9 AM
Pacific) and you're invited! Simply go to