Subject: Friend, I love to learn, don't you? Free mastermind session today

To all my valued opt in members


I love to learn, don't you?

Napolean Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich talks allot about the Mastermind.

Today we are having an open house for the first session of my U-Core Mastermind.

The first U-Core live teaching will be an 8 part series on the John Maxwell
book The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth.

This is a paid course and you get session #1 of 8 free. Check it out.
This is a real thrill to bring this to you.

We suggest you get the book to follow along with the teachings and
participate. This is a live participation style teaching. We will be
passing on to you a worksheet to follow along.

The worksheet and schedule are here


Message from Amy Barg, your instructor...

I'm thrilled that you have decided to invest in yourself and participate in
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Master Class. It is my sincere desire to
make every effort to deliver the content in ways that will exceed your
expectations. If you haven’t purchased The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
yet, I strongly encourage you to do so!

Three commitments I ask of you:
To be present and punctual (we’ll being promptly at 11:00 a.m. EST and
end at 12:00 p.m. EST).

To prepare (there will be things to read and reflect on each week).

To participate (you have value to add and there will be times I’ll ask to
hear from you).

My commitments to you:
To create a climate and community of positivity and fun as we learn

To challenge you with questions that will make you think.
To affirm you as you apply these growth principles to your life.
LOGISTICS We begin- Wednesday | September 13 |
11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. (EST)

Call in number: (641) 715-0864
Access code: 371435 #

Part of what will make this a powerful experience is that you’ll be

learning with and hearing thoughts from other
people. It is very different than just reading a book on your own.

A head-ups for you… I'll be asking questions that prompt your void of any yes/no types!
For Wednesday’s kick-off call, please be thinking about:
 what prompted you to invest in yourself and participate in this class

 what your expectations are / results you’d like to see from your

Get ready to grow!

Amy Barg
Executive Director, The John Maxwell Team