Subject: UEconomy update 6-30-17

June 30
It's Time to Join The Revolution...
Hi Friend,

Just a quick update to wish everyone a great holiday weekend.

Remember to network at your gatherings. Talk to people. Ask questions and jot down information on what they tell you so you can contact them at a later date and bring up your business.

Remember to update your monthly U-Crew and make sure you are active.

U-Mentor is Monday 2 pm est.
To get the phone and PIN to dial in, you will need to go to your U-Mentor section on your dashboard and go to Call Schedule.

U-Radio Live (get news, updates, motivation and testimonials)
12 noon EST daily

U-Zoom Live
Tue and Thur 8 pm est
Replay of the U-Faculty session today with Michael Mansell

U-Economy Live event
Orlando, FL
Sept 27 evening (U-Live and U-Master members only) special session
Sept 28th all day session
Sept 29 9-3 pm est
*Prices and details available soon.

Hotel room blocks to be announced in a few days for both events.

Network Marketing Way to Wealth live
Orlando FL
*virtual similcast tickets available

50% off live and virtual simulcast tickets through Sunday July 2nd 9 am est

Sept 29 evening session
Sept 30 (all day event)
Oct 1st final day

*Details here
20+ world-class speakers
$17,000 in free bonuses
1 year access to million dollar social media software
and much more

UE Support

2017 ©U-Economy LLC
301 East 79th St 19H, New York, NY 10075, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.