Subject: UEconomy update 6-27-17

June 27
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Hi Friend,

Live Zoom cast tonight at 8 pm est
We will be announcing the launch of many lead capture pages that feed into your back office.

Don't miss the daily radio show for updates and to get energized. 12 noon Mon-Fri

"People know what to do already.  It's not rocket science.  By far, the largest factor between those who don't achieve their dreams and those who do is their willingness to pay the price." 
Peter Wolfing CEO
It's time to get your account active if you are not there yet.  If you've not yet activated your account, just log in, choose U-Crew and a level/s to join.

The live trainings are starting and the products we start to go live and accelerate as we get closer to the launch.

U-Coaches will go live soon as well so stay posted.

So incredible to be part of this as we connect the dots.

UE Support
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301 East 79th St 19H, New York, NY 10075, United States
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