Subject: U-Economy Launch today. Important info...

Join The U-Economy Revolution!

Launch today!!!

The U-Economy Founders calls are 3 PM EST & 9 PM EST EST!!!

The 3 PM call will give the launch details as well as some things you will need to know.  The 9 PM call is to give any final details as well as the launch after the call.

Launch day May 3rd 3 PM EST and 9 PM EST

Dial 712-775-7035 PIN 940945#
Backup number 716-293-9620

U-Economy will empower everyone on a global scale right out of the gate.  It's supported by a company that has a 18 year track record and over 2 million members that have earned record commissions.  It's the perfect scenario for you to belong to something bigger than yourself.   It's a cause.

U-Economy is a REVOLUTION on a global scale.

There are three parts to U-Economy...
The first is low ticket with a real product called U-Marketplace. There are entry levels for anyone at $25-$500 one time entry with a reverse 1 Up compensation plan.  It has 100% company collect for simplicity and global ease of use. Get paid with our in-house e-wallet system. Why is this important? U-Economy's mission is to have impact on everyone worldwide. The U-Marketplace product is our version of the NewKajabi and EDEMY teaching platforms. Click here is a brief demo video

Don't have anything to teach yet? No problem.  We will supply you with turn-key products to just click and earn.  You earn 95% on any courses you sell to your students.
U-Academy is where we teach you to be self-sufficient compared to U-Marketplace which is where you can sell what you know.  U-Academy is ORIGINAL education.  U-Academy has 6 entry choices from $1,500 to $50,000 plus license fee with all lower priced products being included.  You can close your own sales and keep 100% OR use our U-Coaches to do it for you for 50%!  Your choice.
U-Crew is the tribe builds globally with our residual component.  It's a 12 level and unlimited width unilevel plan with 84% payout so you can capture depth in your organization.  The U-Crew product is our in-house page builder, responder system, capture pages and contact manager system.  No need to outsource other systems.  It's all in the family and commissionable.
Click Here to join the Tribe on Facebook!
301 East 79th St 19H, New York, NY 10075, United States
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