Subject: Friend, UE U-Core tonight TAGR "Your Subconscious Rules!"

Hi Friend,

The U-Core tonight is titled: "Your Subconscious Rules!"

It’s imperative that we learn how our programming works, how we become a
product of our environment, how the process of “enculturation” works,
and most importantly of all, what we can do about it if we don't like the
program we have.

It wasn't your responsibility. It's the same for all of us. Same for me.
Same for you. Your conditioning wasn't your responsibility. You've ended
up a product of your environment. You've ended up being the person that
you are. So it wasn't your responsibility that you've become who you are,
but it is your responsibility to change it if you're not getting the
results that you want!

How do we come to believe what we believe? Better yet, how can we
re-engineer our beliefs and believe something different?

We tackle this and many other subjects on the U-Core Mastermind tonight,

Want to be on tonight's call?

Simply go log into your UE back office and go to U-Core on the left.

If you are not a paid member, there's still time to do that.

See you tonight!

UE Support

p.s. In case this email finds you too late to make it tonight, just a
quick FYI we have our radio show every weekday at 12 Noon Eastern (9 AM
Pacific) and you're invited! Simply go to