Subject: What's Happening - Zoom Info Corrected

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Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom) 12:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
We feel called to repeat the statement below, Black Lives Matter, inspired by a recent message in eNews from Unity of Atlanta.  We're sharing their words because we agree with them and we're adding a few words of our own. People of intelligence and  compassion, people who say they love Jesus Christ and admire the Buddha, should not have to be told that Black Lives Matter.

Anyone who has been paying attention to events, who loves our nation and shares the dream of its potential as the land of the free and the home of the brave must also perceive that inequities have existed in our nation throughout its history and that, sadly, it has often been far safer and generally easier to have lighter skin than to be a person of color. This must change, for we are all God's children, and we know that Unity people come in every color of the beautiful rainbow of humankind.

Those who are "woke" to the Truth that we are all God's children, all people of one race -- the human race -- also know that cherishing the lives of others, regardless of surface differences like what they look like or who they love are demonstrating the true value of all our lives. If you know that God loves you, then you know that God loves all of us. We share each other's joy and sorrows. We are tired of injustice and weary of hatred and heartlessness that sickens and weakens all of us. We realize that if our brother or sister is held down, we are all held down. If one is hurt, all are hurt. Here we are, in this together, especially now. Let's heal.

We all want to be able to return to our Church home -- "a house of prayer for all people." When the time is right, we want to come "home" to a Church that is not just for "white" people or "straight" people, but for all people, who are all precious.

I have never asked any of you to carry a "Right to Marry" sign, or a "Black Lives Matter" sign, as I myself have done, and am ready to do again -- whether met with cheers or jeers. But I know who you are. You matter. You know that we all matter. You are Unity.

You matter. We all matter.
Justice matters. Truth matters.

The Beloved Community of Unity Church of Clearwater
affirms and honors the holiness and sanctity of every life,
regardless of ethnicity or personal history.

Wherever you birdwatch, you are precious.
Wherever you drive, you are precious.
Wherever you jog, you are precious.
Wherever you live, you are precious.
Wherever you shop, you are precious.
Wherever you study, you are precious.
Wherever you vote, you are precious.
Wherever you walk, you are precious.
Wherever you work, you are precious.
Wherever you worship, you are precious.

You are a Child of God.
Wherever you are, God is,
and we behold the Presence of God as you.

We stand with you and we love you.
Leddy in 2014 at a Black Lives Matter Protest on Clearwater Beach
Lesson Title: - Living Room
I know where I come from – the Presence of the Living God. I journey onward to an ever-expanding awareness of God’s loving in my living.

God visits with me in the presence of every person I welcome into my life, into my “living room” – and I behold the God presence in everyone with whom I share this life.

“From the stars and the sun, from the magical One,
I am part of this thing called Life.
From the known to unseen, everything in between,
I am part of this thing called Life.
I love my skin, where I’ve been, and everyone else.
No more push, no more pull, simply flow as I go,
because I know where I come from. I am one with this thing called Life.”

The indwelling Christ welcomes us to love our abundant living room!
THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS! Join Us on Zoom! It's Easy!!
Table Talk Thursday
12:00 PM

Bring your lunch and let's get together and chat!

Board Member & President of Hospitality, Deb Larkin is hosting a weekly Zoom "Table Talk Thursday" call so we can see each others faces and hear each others voices.

Why Table Talk? Well, because that's one thing we miss during this time. Sitting around a table in the café and talking together.

The table talk will last about an hour. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes or spend the whole hour with us.

Each week Deb will have a new topic and you will have the opportunity to learn something new about each other and to share your thoughts. You can choose to participate or just listen in, whatever is comfortable for you. It will be a fun time for all as we enjoy our Unity community and navigate a new normal of virtual social distancing.
THURSDAY Meeting Login Info:

Call in By Phone if Preferred:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Below)

Meeting ID:
899 2533 1726


Wear Your Favorite Shirt and Tell Us about It
Sunday Social
12:00 PM

Join Leddy on Zoom and share your thoughts after the service. Bring your coffee and enjoy some casual face time with us.

We miss seeing you and are looking forward to spending an hour or so with you.

SUNDAY Meeting Login Info:

Invite Link:

Call in By Phone if Preferred:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Below)

Meeting ID:
884 0094 7378

Below Are Links To Help You Get Set Up with Zoom
How Do You Want To Join?
Apple Device
Android Device
Check Out this Zoom Tutorial Page
Sue Riley's New CD... "There Are Moments"

Y'all Are Keeping Us Encouraged
This Week a Painting from Sandy Wallen
Thank you so much for keeping us informed, but then again we are Unity. House Built On Love! And we care deeply for one another!

When our Church Opens it’s doors again I will be there!

I the meantime, I experience sort of like a one on one Sunday Service out on my balcony with a cup of coffee and Leddy on my I Pad filling my surroundings with Words of Love and Prayers. I look forward to this time and Center my Mind and Heart on GOD.

Thank You Leddy and Russ and ALL the people who are working so Hard to make Worship Available to us in our Homes.

Thanks for the encouragement Sandy!
How You Can Donate
We still are getting frequent questions has been: "what's the best way to send an offering to the church?"

We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.

The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:

If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your banks bill pay or on the church's donation form.

We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3&-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.

Now Available: Text Giving

Text "Give" (without quotes) to 833-679-1105 and follow the prompts.

Giving by text is quick & easy! Our processor has come up with a couple of videos to explain the process. Click below to watch one.
New (Free) Playlist from emPower Music (click image)
Healing Thoughts # 10
“There is a dimension of life that Jesus referred to as ‘Life more abundant,’ and He said that He came to help us to find it. We find it on the journey from time into eternity. Life is not simply a journey between two points on an endless highway. Life is eternal, and we are alive in eternity now. Why not live fully, abundantly? After all, life is for living . . . . Open your eyes and see with your soul; see life as a changeless reality; see a new dimension of life . . . . The next time you feel weak, tired, lifeless, de-pressed, ‘down in the dumps,’ affirm for yourself, ‘I am radiant with life and vitality.’ Even as you speak the words, know that you are one with a life that is larger and deeper than that which you are experiencing. Speak the word; open the floodgates; let life pour forth unrestricted . . . . Life is eternal, and we are alive in eternity now” (Charles Fillmore, Life Is for Living).
Your Weekly Affirmation:



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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