Subject: What's Happening - What U See - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
A Season of Spiritual Economics
What U See - Leddy Hammock
I am a “glass at least half full” kind of person.

I am not deceived by negative appearances.

I look for the Truth and I see clearly.

I behold the Good in my world, for I look with positivity!
Expand Your Prosperity Consciousness!

Sundays through September, Leddy is presenting a prosperity series based on the classic Eric Butterworth book Spiritual Economics: The Principles and Process of True Prosperity.

Here's a sneak preview from chapter two of the book:
I am a most important person to God, for I am His living enterprise. God is not off somewhere in space where I must strain to reach Him to get Him to work a miracle for me "if I am lucky." God is on my side. He has a stake in me. He is not someone to reach for but a Presence to accept. As Walt Whitman sings: "Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune."

Mark your calendar to be with us for this exciting series and take to heart this quote from Eric Butterworth.... "every person has the capacity to demonstrate supply, to demonstrate prosperity, to demonstrate abundance!"
Discover the Power within You!
Tue, July 25 - TBD
7:00 PM

Eric Butterworth's inspiring tour de force, the author shares the greatest discovery of all time: the ability to see the divine within us all. Jesus saw this divine dimension in every human being, and Butterworth reveals this hidden and untapped resource to be a source of limitless abundance. Exploring this "depth potential," Butterworth outlines ways in which we can release the power locked within us for better health, greater confidence, increased success, and inspired openness to let our "light shine" forth for others.

Explore the classic Unity book "Discover the Power within You with Associate Minister, Judy Tafelski.


This book changed my perspective on life and religion.
--Oprah Winfrey, from O Magazine, May/June 2000

"A wonderful book ... truly a life-changer, as many readers know. This book really does release the power within us all." --Norman Vincent Peale
About the Author:
Unity minister, Eric Butterworth (1916-2003), often referred to as a "Twentieth Century Emerson," is considered a legend and spiritual icon in the Unity Movement. A visionary and an innovator, he originated the Spiritual Therapy Workshops.

The author of sixteen bestselling books on metaphysical spirituality, including Life Is for Loving, Spiritual Economics, and You Make the Difference, a gifted theologian, philosopher, and lecturer, Butterworth was a highly respected New Thought pioneer and innovator whose life was dedicated to helping people to help themselves.
This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Discover the Power in You
Tue, 7:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
Sun, 12:00 PM

Coming Up
Guest Musician: Kim Belew
Aug 13, 10:30 AM

Express Saturday
Aug 19, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Sept 6, 6:00 PM

Half Hour Hebrew
Sept 14, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Sept 14, 7:30 PM

Half Day Meditation Retreat
Oct 21, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Heart of the House - The Reverend Lowell Turner
This month's Heart of the House is a little different than usual. Leddy's dad, Unity minister Lowell Turner, was mentioned in the July/August edition of Unity Magazine. We thought you'd enjoy reading about the origin of the Peace Mural that's in our Peace Chapel in this adapted version of the article:


Have you ever thought about prosperity in terms of peace? I seldom take the time to ponder the prosperous benefits my body receives whenever I enter into the Silence and become one with peace–unless, that is, I happen to find myself at the intersection of desperate and frazzled.

Luckily, Unity Village offers many places where taking a deep breath is encouraged. One such place I visited recently is the Peace Chapel, located just west of Fillmore Chapel on the north side of the Education Building. While many visitors to campus have no idea this tiny chapel exists, it’s open 24/7 for anyone who wants to spend a little time in quiet solitude. To get there, walk along the west side of the building (the side facing the tower). The chapel juts out of that side, its only entrance the exterior doors at the far end of the portico.

Read more
Remember a Loved One
Engraved bricks for our Prayer Walkway north of the Sanctuary or for our Rainbow Bridge near the Peace Pond (for beloved pets) are such lovely ways to honor dear ones.

The engraving company asks that each order contain requests for five bricks are more. We could use four more orders for engraved bricks to complete our current order.

Pick up an order form at the bookstore!
Unity in the Community
Daniel Nahmod Concert

This Saturday, August 5
6:00 PM
Unity of Port Richey
5844 Pine Hill Road (map)
Port Richey
, FL 34668

Daniel’s poetic and evocative message of peace, love and compassion across all nations, cultures and faiths has found overwhelming acceptance wherever he has performed.
Many of the songs we sing in Sunday service are written by Daniel Nahmod. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear these wonderful songs in the voice of the artist!

Daniel’s poetic and evocative message of peace, love and compassion across all nations, cultures and faiths has found overwhelming acceptance wherever he has performed.

Tickets $15 at the door or $12 pre-sale on line
Prosperit-E-mail # 398
[St. John – in the Book of Revelations – speaks of writing to the angels of seven “churches” (types of spiritual consciousness).]
“There are seven types of people you can reach by writing to their angels.


“The word Pergamum means ‘strongly united, closely knit.’ This is the grand, often wealthy, aristocratic type–literary, scientific, artistic, lovers of society and statescraft, strongly united, closely knit in family, social, and business relationships. These persons may be suspicious of strangers, new friends, new ideas.

A young man fell in love and wanted to marry. But the girl of his choice was from a close-knit family that did not want to release her emotionally. This family group was suspicious of new people, new ways of doing things, all new ideas. In fact, they were strongly united against the invasion of anything new in their lives.

The young man realized that from a human standpoint, it seemed hopeless to try to win the girl, even though she was in love with him, because of her strong family ties. Being a Truth student, he reasoned that the only possible way to deal with the possessiveness of her family was through the practice of love.

It was at this point that he learned of love’s special method . He wrote to the girl’s angel and to the angel of her family, decreeing for her emotional freedom, a happy marriage, and a family divinely adjusted to this change. For some months, he continued this angel-writing technique, with no visible results. Then suddenly everything changed. He could sense a freedom that had not previously existed. He proposed, and they were soon married. Though it took her family some time to adjust to the change and to accept him emotionally into the family, they finally did so wholeheartedly.”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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