Subject: What's Happening - The Whole Truth - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Lesson Title: The Whole Truth

From “The Whole in the Part” in Celebrate Yourself! by Eric Butterworth:

“You live in the universe and you are a part within the whole. . . . the whole of things is also within you, and there can never be a separation.’”

“Wherever Spirit is at all, the whole of Spirit must be. And because God or Spirit is omnipresent, the whole of Spirit (Holy Spirit) must be present in its entirety at every point in space and time.

This is a fantastic concept! . . . . It means . . . that God in [us] is the Holy Spirit or the whole of Spirit. The whole of Divine Mind, the whole of divine love, the whole of infinite substance is in you and in focus as you at every moment in time, wherever you may be.”

“There is always that part of you that transcends any experience of illness, lack, or inharmony.” “Human potential is divine potential.” “Your potential . . . is a reality even before you begin to work for it. It is the whole of you which you may be expressing only in part. . . .

The health you want is now yours, because you are now a limitless expression of divine love. The wisdom you seek is within the depths of your mind now, for you are now an expression of Divine Mind . . . . Singing or saying, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ . . . is a commitment to see wholeness everywhere—in persons, relationships, the economy, world affairs—and in oneself.”
Support Group: Helping Parents Heal
Tuesdays Beginning Sept, 18
7:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Helping Parents Heal is a national grief support group for parents, grandparents, and siblings who have lost a child of any age.

Helping Parents Heal goes a step beyond other support groups in that they allow an open discussion for spiritual experiences and afterlife evidence. All are welcome.

The Pinellas County chapter meetings will begin on Tuesday, Sept 8, and meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
The Pinellas chapter organizer is Laura McCullough. Laura is a wife, mother of 3 and has over 30 years of experience as an ER/Trauma nurse. This did not prepare her for the sudden death of her oldest son, Devon Grimme’, who drowned in 2015 while on a trip to Hawaii. Devon was 27 years old with an MBA, a sense of humor and a sense of adventure and much to live for. Laura found out about Devon’s death by a phone call and gave consent for any organs to be donated while still trying to absorb the shock of his death. Laura finds that her relationship with Devon is still very much ongoing and believes that they are working together on her life’s purpose.

You can find the group on Facebook: Helping Parents Heal Pinellas County

Email Laura at:

All Are Welcome!
New Class Series: 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
Wednesdays Beginning Oct 3
7:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Join Brian O'Donnell for an in depth study of Edwene Gaine's powerful book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity


An empowering message about the true meaning of prosperity-to help anyone achieve a life of spiritual and material abundance.
Imagine if you could achieve a life of true prosperity, enjoying:

– A vitally alive, healthy body through which you experience relationships that are always satisfying and intimate, honest, and nurturing

– Work you love so much that it's not work, it's play

– All the money you can spend

All Are Welcome!
This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 12:00 PM

EFT - Tapping Group
Tue, 1:15 PM

Class: Celebrate Yourself
Tue, 7:00 PM

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Wed, 6:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Fri, 7:00 PM

This Week Continued
Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

CPR Class
Sat, 10:00 AM

Theosophical Society Meeting
Sat, 1:30 PM

Coming Up
Half Day Meditation Retreat
Sept 15, 9:00 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Helping Parents Heal
Sept 18, 7:00 PM

Express Saturday
Sept 22, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
Oct 3, 7:00 PM

New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
Nov 4, 12:00 PM

Concert: Denise Rosier
Nov 5, 7:00 PM

Thanks in Advance for Google & Facebook Reviews! ★★★★★
Prosperit-E-mail # 457

“I once knew a businessman who was facing an income-tax deadline. He learned of this mental formula [of being open to divine ideas] and decided to try it. He had had a bad year financially and did not have the money to pay his taxes. One night when everything was quiet, he relaxed and began to think of the first step [in Peter’s demonstration of manifesting the tax money according to Jesus’ guidance]–‘Go to the sea.’ He dwelt mentally upon the sea of substance–the omnipresent riches and supply that fill the universe. He read from Charles Fillmore’s book Prosperity; ‘Even though there seems to be material lack, there is plenty of substance for all. We are standing in the very midst of it . . .. It is in the water, in the air everywhere, abounding, glorious spiritual substance. Take that thought and hold it. Refuse to be shaken from your spiritual stand in the very midst of God’s prosperity and plenty, and supply will begin to come forth from the ether and plenty will become more and more manifest in your affairs.’ This man went to the ‘sea of substance’ by affirming: ‘I am strong, immovable Spirit substance.’” [Hint: check next week’s prosperity email message to see what happened!]

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]
Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:


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