Subject: What's Happening - The Journey - Weekly Affirmation

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WINGS Book Study Group: Tue, 12:00 PM
Wednesday "Faith Lift" Meditation: 7:00 PM
Table Talk Thursday (Zoom): 12:00 PM
Exodus Class (Zoom): Thur, 3:00 PM
Sunday Service: 10:45 AM
Sunday Social (Zoom): 12:00 PM
I Have A Dream
“I Have A Dream” - Written to the tune of “Amazing Grace” – hymn published in 1779, with words written in 1772 by the English poet and Anglican clergyman John Newton; lyrics adapted by LH as inspired by the wonderful speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963, for use in our UCC Sunday worship, January 17, 2021.

“I have a dream,” the whole world heard the gentle Preacher say,
As, echoing the prophet’s word, he called, “Prepare the way!”

For “ev’ry valley shall be filled.” Great faith shall make it so.
And “every mountain,” every hill, “Shall one day be made low.”

Oh, let that mighty faith come through full strong enough to dare
Bright gleaming gems of hope to hew from mountains of despair.

Now, hear the word, let freedom ring, make straight the winding way;
We share this dream that we must bring into the light of day.
Enjoy Tim Burnaman's Great "How We Doin Dr King?" Video
Leddy's Lesson this Sunday: - The Journey
God guides and provides, shelters and sustains us on our journey. We have only to follow.

The Spirit of the LORD goes with us and before us, by day and by night, to show the way.

Our journey has been long and not always easy, but in the fullness of time, we are always divinely provided.

Even when we could not see the path before us, the way has been revealed and we have not traveled alone.

Safe journey!
Two Ways To Watch on Sunday & Wednesday (click images below)
New UCC Social Group:
Movie Discussion on Zoom
Mondays, 2:00 PM
To Join:

Meeting ID: 685 407 5577
Passcode (Required): 0Q6S9s

First Movie will be on youtube "SpellBound" with Gregory Peck and Ingrid Bergman

Next movie "The Dark Mirror" with Olivia de Havilland
Hitting the High Spots of....
3:00 PM
An excellent adventure in allegorical Bible study,
team-taught by our Sr. Minister and retired Reform Rabbi, Arthur Baseman, sharing insights into Hebrew Studies & Unity allegorical Bible interpretation.

All Are Welcome! All UCC classes are offered on a free will love offering basis.
To Join this Zoom Class:

Meeting ID: 848 8566 4142
Passcode: 285319

Want to watch on demand?
Archives of the class can be found on the UCC Facebook page
WINGS Book Study Group
12:00 PM
WINGS is our daytime Truth Book Study Group and is led by our gifted Certified Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey.

The group includes men and women and includes great discussion!

Make new friends, share ideas and explore Unity teachings in a supportive, positive environment -- our Unity Café!

We'll be studying the New Thought classic, Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox

All are welcome to join in!

To Join this Zoom Class:

To Join By Phone Call:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
(You'll Need the ID and Password Above)
THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS! Join Us on Zoom! It's Easy!!
Table Talk Thursday
12:00 PM

Bring your lunch and let's get together and chat!

Board Member & President of Hospitality, Deb Larkin is hosting a weekly Zoom "Table Talk Thursday" call so we can see each others faces and hear each others voices.

Why Table Talk? Well, because that's one thing we miss during this time:  sitting around a table in the café and talking together. The Table Talk will last about an hour. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes or spend the whole hour with us.
Each week, Deb will have a new topic and you will have the opportunity to learn something new about each other and to share your thoughts. You can choose to participate or just listen in, whatever is comfortable for you. It will be a fun time for all as we enjoy our Unity community and navigate a new normal of virtual social distancing and spiritual closeness.

To Join:

Meeting ID: 899 2533 1726
Password: 345849

Topic: Turning Lemons into Lemonade
Sunday Social
12:00 PM
Join Leddy on Zoom and share your thoughts after the service. Bring your coffee and enjoy some casual face time with us.

We miss seeing you and look forward to spending this time with you from week to week.  It's good for us!

To Join:
Below Are Links To Help You Get Set Up with Zoom
How Do You Want To Join?
Apple Device
Android Device
Look What Was in the Mail
We Are So Grateful :-)
Uplift at UCC!
Click each pic for a larger version
Old AC unit coming down
New AC unit going up
New AC unit being placed
Friends, the inevitable replacement of the old office suite a/c (that had been running its fan nonstop for years due to the unavailability of an essential part and just finally gave out), was orchestrated by Russ Hammock at the Board's prayerful directive, funded with UCC reserves by faith, just as the Café a/c had been replaced this summer. Unity teaches tithing and our Church is a tithing Church, so we trust in God, our Infinite Supply. Facilities Teammate, Dennis Carney, kindly stayed at the Church during the whole process for over five hours to make sure the installers had access and assistance, for which we are truly grateful. Deb Frisch took these neat photos of the whole project, as she and Geoff Mackey were on hand that day to present the Tuesday noon WINGS book study Zoom in the Café led by Truth Teacher, Cynthia Mackey. As you can see, the a/c operation required a crane, endurance, expertise, and faith!

How fascinating that while WINGS is studying the uplifting teachings of Emmet Fox, the reconditioning of our spiritual consciousness is preparing our Church home for our return when the time is right! What an uplift for our Church!

"The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to make today's consciousness serene and harmonious. All other good things will follow upon that"  -- Emmet Fox, Sermon on the Mount.
How You Can Donate
Folks are still asking: "What's the best way to send an offering to the Church?"
We're checking mail every day, so checks sent through the mail are fine, as are checks sent from your bank's online bill pay.
The easiest option is our online donation form which can be found at:
If you feel led you might consider setting up an automatic recurring donation. This can be done through your bank's bill pay or on the Church's donation form.
We've also been asked about the processing fees the church has to pay when the online form is used. The fees are a small percentage (3&-4%) of the total donation, however there is an option to cover fees that you may select if you feel so inclined. Every little bit helps and we're grateful if you decide to turn that option on.
Now Available: Text Giving
Text "Give" (without quotes) to 833-679-1105 and follow the prompts.
UCC Contributes Monthly to Feeding Tampa Bay
UCC continues to contribute to  They have doubled their weekly meals distributed from 1 million meals to 2 million, establishing six weekly mega pantries serving nearly 10,000 families each week and converting their mobile pantries to a drive-thru model for increased distribution and safety.  Message from "Rosie" on the organization's site:  "I'm a full time caregiver to my husband, . . . . The food provided by Feeding Tampa Bay has helped us enormously.  The meals are well balanced . . . and taste great!  We really appreciate the help during this time."
Healing Thought # 43
“God does nothing backwards. Before we are given a task to perform, God equips us for it with essential inner power. God does not afflict us with disease or any negation. You would not send a child into a far country without equipping him [or her] for the journey . . . . By the grace of God, we’re equipped for the journey, and we are adequate, then, and more than adequate, for whatever we are called upon to meet . . . . The will of God is always for good . . . . Health and guidance are always available to us . . . . There are no impossible situations . . . . Crooked spaces are made straight . . .” (Ernest Wilson, Master Class Lessons, August, 1974).



2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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