Subject: What's Happening - The BVM - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
The "BVM" (The Beautiful Vibrant Moment) - Leddy Hammock
Nothing is impossible. It is never too late.

Nothing is too much for God, no challenge too great.

Hold onto your faith. The Truth will be revealed.

Nothing is incurable. All things can be healed.
Special Service Saturday - Hanging of the Green
Sat, Dec 2
9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Join us this Saturday as we do our usual Saturday tasks as well as decorate the church for Christmas.

We could really use some extra hands, so if you're free come on by and pitch in :-)

We'll enjoy pizza and salad for lunch and of course, the best part, the wonderful sense of community that we're known for.
It's a Major Award!
Sun, Dec 3
10:30 AM

During the Sunday service Bible attendance awards will be given to qualified Youth Ministry students.

Be sure to attend to support our kids!

See Ms. Cynthia for more info!
New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
Sun, Dec 3
12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

We'll gather in the Peace Chapel at noon, then have a quick pizza lunch in the Cafe about 12:30

Attention New Members:
Please plan to attend our New Member Meet n' Greet. Learn more about Unity and your new church home, and make some new friends. We're looking forward to getting to know you!

Attention All Other Members:
Our New Member Meet 'n Greet is a great opportunity to demonstrate that UCC is indeed "The House Built on Love." Plan on attending so you can welcome our new folks!
Sing with Us!
6:00 PM

The Unity Singers begin fall rehearsals on September 6 and we'd like you to join us!

All who like to sing are welcome and encouraged to "make a joyful noise" with us every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning!

Don't be shy! We're all family here and you can let your light shine and your voice be heard in a safe, encouraging environment.
This Week
Annual Teddy Bear Drive
Through Dec 17
UCC Lobby

Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Temple of Spiritual Awareness
Tue, 7:00 PM

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Wed, 6:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Fri, 7:00 PM

Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Hanging of the Green
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

CPR Class
Sat, 10:00 AM

Theosophical Society Meeting
Sat, 2:00 PM

Youth Education Bible Awards
Sun, 10:30 AM

New Member Meet n Greet n Eat
Sun, 12:00 PM

Coming Up
Half Day Meditation Retreat
Dec 16, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Express Saturday
Dec 16, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Christmas Music - Ladies of Uke
Dec 17, 12:00 PM

Christmas Eve Candle Lighting
Dec 24, 7:00 PM

NY Eve Burning Bowl Service
Dec 31, 7:00 PM

Treasure Mapping
Jan 2, 12:00 PM

November Heart of the House
Guitarist Mike Abdishi found his way to the Unity Music Ministry earlier this year from a connection dating back to the 1980s. During this period, Mike had the opportunity to work with a heavy metal band called “Brat,” whose drummer was Russ Hammock. This led to his introduction to the Unity family and getting to know Sue Riley and a number of artists associated with the EmPower Music and Arts group. When the need arose for a guitarist in the UCC band, Mike, who has been involved in helping to maintain the technology in the church, says, “I embraced it as an opportunity to work with some of the amazing artists associated with this group. It also gave me a chance to try to get back to my roots as a musician, and especially as a guitarist.”

Mike was born and raised, along with two younger sisters, in Roanoke, Indiana, population “1,000 or so,” about 25 minutes from Fort Wayne. He went to high school in nearby Huntington, where he played oboe in the symphonic band and also started playing guitar. At Purdue University, he studied electronics. Following a few years in the Dallas, TX area working with the automotive electronics industry as a draftsman, he came to the Tampa Bay area after auditioning to sing in a local rock band called “Conquest.” Here, he started becoming more popular with the local bands as a singer, as opposed to a guitarist, because of an unusually wide vocal range. He lived in a rehearsal space that he operated while earning a living as a carpenter.

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Prosperit-E-mail # 418

“Never hesitate to pray definitely for prosperity; to decree definite words for prosperity; to image and expect prosperous results. This prosperity secret is the universal wisdom of the ages for prosperous living. Indeed, the history of [hu]mankind shows that the first prayers of primitive [hu]man[ity] were prosperity prayers for clothing, shelter, and food. In reality, primitive [hu]man[ity] decreed the words of the Psalmist, ‘Send now prosperity.’”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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