Subject: What's Happening - Take this Call - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Take this Call - Leddy Hammock
(from lyrics by Sue Rtiley and Leddy Hammock:

“Let there be less of me, let there be more of Thee – less of the human, more of the divine.

Less that belongs to me, more that is Thine, more of God’s nature, and less that is mine.

Order and harmony now are in place. Where there is harmony, discord will cease. Where there is harmony, there will be peace.

Not personality, but Individuality – more of the Christ Self shining through me.

Teach me humility. Let me your servant be. Give me serenity, selfless and free.

Order and harmony, now are in place. Where there is harmony, discord will ease. Where there is harmony, there will be peace.
This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Prayer & Meditation Service
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM

Coming Up
Service Saturday
June 3, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Outdoor Meditation Retreat
June 10, 8:30 AM
Anderson Park

Half Day Meditation Retreat
June 17, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Express Saturday
June 17, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Discover the Power Within You
July, Dates TBD

New Member Meet n Greet
Aug 6, 12:00 PM

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Sept 6, 6:00 PM

May Heart of the House - Karyn Lehman-Russo
She opens the café every other Sunday morning, faithfully attends the weekly prayer and meditation service, enjoys Peace Cottage workshops and Peace Chapel concerts, volunteers in the bookstore, assists on Service Saturday, and will be taking the chaplaincy program classes this month. In just two years, Karyn Lehman-Russo, realizing here her spiritual destiny, has assimilated naturally into a church home that took her a long time to find, she says.

Born in Jersey City, the 5th of 7 children, Karyn is one of four surviving daughters. She attended Catholic schools for 12 years, graduated from a New York career academy and worked in a hospital lab before coming to Florida in 1979. Here, she worked as a medical assistant, in customer service, as project manager for an air conditioning firm and, with a friend, later began a housekeeping service.

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Seven Consolations
By request, below are the seven consolations that Leddy used in her talk last week.

When something happens that you didn’t see coming and would rather not see at all:

First consolation: Even if a challenge seems to be unwanted, it has come to pass. It is not permanent.

Second consolation:
Even if this is not a change you wanted, at least it will teach you something.

Third consolation: There are no accidents. The sooner we take responsibility for “signing up” for this self-improvement course, the quicker we can get through it.

Fourth consolation: even if this change brings sorrows, sorrows will fade. Joy will come, too, and no one can take your joy away from you.

Fifth consolation: Thoughts held in mind reproduce after their kind. If you don’t like the circumstances of your life, change your mind.

Sixth consolation: Since your thoughts make things, you can now consciously design a future that you will welcome.

Seventh consolation: Life is a school. You are learning. God is divine law, but God’s nature is also divine love. It’s going to be okay. Better than ok. What we DO see coming is good and only good.

“It is true that the world and the human experience will always be full of change. It is true that no one of us has a crystal ball in which to read our future. But with God as our foundation and prayer as our sustenance, we can move forward with joy, optimism and excitement to meet whatever the future holds. Those of us who know this Truth are very blessed, for in the words of Jesus, our Way-Shower, this Truth will make us free.” — Connie Fillmore, former President Unity School of Christianity and granddaughter of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of Unity
Prosperit-E-mail # 388

“A [woman] recently described how the healing power of love worked in her family through forgiveness: ‘Ten months ago my whole world seemed to have crashed to pieces. My husband’s job, managerial in nature, was suddenly (and apparently unfairly) terminated. Two of our children and I were very sick with bronchial infections . . . . It was at this hopeless point in our affairs that I was introduced to [Catherine Ponder’s] book How to Live a Prosperous Life, which I began to study. In the first chapter I learned something I needed very much: ‘I fully and freely forgive. I loose and let go. I cast all judgments, resentments, criticism, and unforgiveness upon the Christ within, to be dissolved and healed. The prospering Truth has set me free to meet my rich good and to share my good with others.’ As I read these words, I realized I had been openly resentful toward my husband’s former employer because of his seeming unfairness and poor business judgment. Kept using the affirmations in the book and actually it became very easy to forgive completely. Within the next few days [our illnesses] were gone . . . . And then our financial demonstrations began! Our debts had seemed insurmountable; but gradually, through a complete change of mind brought about by forgiveness, money began to come from unexpected sources. We received an income-tax refund; [someone unexpectedly] sent money to cover the rent, our creditors did not press us for money. After being unemployed for two months, my husband was led to the right job, one which he thoroughly understands, as general manager of a ski resort which is under construction now and which we will move to shortly. The corporation is building us a wonderful apartment, fully . . . decorated to our taste.’

When we hold resentment toward another, we are bound to that person or condition by a cosmic link, and forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and be free.”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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