Subject: What's Happening - Spirit-U-ality - Weekly Affirmation

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This Sunday @ UCC:
Spirit-U-ality - Leddy Hammock
Lesson inspired by lyrics from “May You Know God” -- Written by: Sue Riley, Karen Taylor Good, Don Lansky, Patricia Gulino Lansky, Laurence Elder

“May you rejoice in the new life within you as you release the old and worn. Open your heart with praise and thanksgiving . . . .

May you awake to a world of beauty, lifted up from times of tears. Aware of the grace that tenderly carries you . . . .

There was a time in your life when you glimpsed something that before was unseen.  Now you can believe it's real.

May you look back on a life sweet with memories, understanding all was right.

May you see God. May you feel God. May you know God.
Resuming LIT Sunday series
Last autumn, six of our Sunday lessons in a row were based on the first six chapter/lessons of Unity's primary text (after the Bible): Lessons in Truth by H. Emilie Cady. During this springtime, our Sunday lessons between now and Palm Sunday will resume with the study of the second half of Lessons in Truth on March 5.

Whether or not you have had the opportunity to share in an evening class on these lessons here at Unity, you will find this series refreshing and renewing as they come to life in your spiritual life!
Prayer Services During Lent
Wednesdays, Mar 1 - Apr 26
7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Join us for this prayer time in the familiar format, including the blessing of silent prayer.

"The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for spring, which is derived from a verb meaning to lengthen. Lent comes in the spring when the days become noticeably longer . . . .

Lent is a season of spiritual growth, a time for progressive unfoldment. When we can blend and merge our minds with God-Mind, the way is open for the Lord to glorify us and to lift us into a higher, purer, more spiritual state. 'Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them,' said Jesus . . . .

As day after day we steadily adhere to our firm resolve to follow the steps outlined for the Lenten season, we discover that we are guiding on a firm foundation, and are mounting into a higher consciousness. We come to know that Christ is indeed with us and is resurrecting in us His realizations of light, life, and substance" (Charles Fillmore in Keep a True Lent).

"To observe Lent according to the spirit rather than the letter we must fast from criticism and condemnation and feast on love . . . . Ideas such as these form an excellent basis for Lenten meditation and help establish permanent spiritual values in heart and mind" (Foreword by Georgiana Tree West).

Join in our regular guided meditation services from 7-7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings, led by The Rev. Judy Tafelski in the Peace Chapel, starting on Ash Wednesday, March 1, through the last Wednesday in April. Enter through the Bookstore Doors.

A passive love offering is gratefully received.
Transform Your Home from Chaos to Calm using the tools of Feng Shui
Sat, Mar 11
2:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Carol Cannon, noted expert in the field of Feng Shui, will be giving a lecture/ presentation on how we can utilize the tools of Feng Shui to create a peace-filled environment.

Carol Cannon is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner through the New York School of Feng Shui. She also the founded the Florida School of Feng Shui and is Bau-Biologie Consultant. Her list of accomplishments are many and range from home to work environments. Her noted expertise has made her popular with local, national and international television and radio as well as being featured in newspapers and magazines. Carol believes “There is a need to blend Feng Shui & Healthy Building practices, to create healthier, peaceful, joy filled living and working environments for all”. Her mission is to help people go from ‘Chaos to Calm’!

Suggested Donation: $15.00
No one will be turned away because of funds

Please RSVP to:
Website: using the RSVP button
or call: Diana 727 945 2611

This event is hosted by: Dhamma Wheel Meditation Society
Daniel Nahmod Concert
Fri, Mar 24
7:00 PM

Orange County, California-based Singer/Songwriter, Producer and Humanitarian DANIEL NAHMOD (pronounced Nay-mod‚) has performed his profound, heart-opening original music for over one million people in 45 U.S. states and Canada since beginning his music career in 1999... selling 100,000 CDs to date and receiving literally thousands of standing ovations along the way.

His songs are recorded and performed all over the world on a weekly basis. Recent media appearances of Daniel's music include NBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, PBS, E!, MTV, History, IFC, Bravo, and movie theaters across the United States.

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This Week
Office Closed

WINGS Book Study Group
Tue, 11:30 AM

Prosperity Class
Tue, 7:00 PM

Lenten Prayer Service
Wed, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Unity Singers Rehearsal
Wed, 7:00 PM

Tai Chi
Thur, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Half Hour Hebrew
Thur, 7:00 PM

Torah Study
Thur, 7:30 PM

AA Meeting
Thur, 7:30 PM
Peace Cottage

Refuge Recovery
Fri, 6:00 PM
Peace Cottage

Service Saturday
Sat, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Coming Up
Presentation: Feng Shui
Mar 11, 2:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Daylight Savings Time Begins
Mar 12
Don't Be Late for Church!

Half Day Meditation Retreat
Mar 18, 8:30 AM
Dhamma Wheel

Express Saturday
Mar 18, 9:00 AM
UCC Campus

Concert: Daniel Nahmod
Mar 24, 7:00 PM

Prayer & Meditation Service
May 3, 7:00 PM
Peace Chapel

New Member Meet n Greet
May 21, 12:00 PM
Peace Chapel

Lend a Hand!
An important part of creating community is service. At UCC we welcome you to share your unique talents in and around your church home.

Whether it's helping in the kitchen & café, helping with a Youth Ministry class, greeting folks on Sunday morning, working with our bookstore or tech teams, or assisting with landscaping, you can make a wonderful difference for your spiritual community.  These are just a few areas that could use your special skills!

You may also want to participate in monthly “Service Saturdays” – usually the first Saturday of each month (our schedule may vary for holidays - check newsletters!) and/or mid-month “Express Saturdays” – 9:00 to 11:00 AM, as announced.

Whatever your interest, It’s always rewarding to join with others in projects in and around our Church home, as we work together to clean and maintain the House Built on Love.

Many hands make light work!
February Heart of the House - Vernon Howell
Vernon Howell, a native Floridian, was born just a few miles away at Morton Plant Hospital and grew up in Lakeland. A distinctive graduate of the University of Tampa, he was the oldest in his class of over 800, proving that it’s never too late to achieve academic goals put on hold.

Following a move to Charlottesville, VA, he enrolled in a Citizen, Scholar, Student of Writing program at the prestigious University of Virginia, but then returned to Florida where he earned his BLS (Bachelor of Liberal Studies) with a degree tract in intensive writing at the University of Tampa. It seems he was always destined to pursue a journalistic career, not only writing newspaper articles but also doing interviews for a radio station when only a teen.

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Prosperit-E-mail # 376

“Part of the spring season is the religious observance of Lent, usually considered a period of prayer and fasting, which symbolizes a time of preparation for the resurrection of new life and beauty in one’s personal world.

Let us stop crucifying and start resurrecting during the Lenten season! We can do it through the healing power of love.

What you should do is fast from negative memories of the past – grudges, criticisms, spite, feelings of injustice and hurt, as well as other inharmonies. There are definite, simple ways you can pour out the healing power of love on your negative memories, so that you can be free of them forever. As you do become free of these destructive emotions you cease crucifying yourself and others and you are then ready for resurrected good.”

(Catherine Ponder in The Prospering Power of Love [Unity School of Christianity, 1966]

Your Weekly Prosperity Affirmation:

2465 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, FL 33764, United States
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